Duties of a Pupil Personnel Worker
Duties of a Pupil Personnel Worker
As an advocate
- Supports student rights and responsibilities
- Ensures due process for all students
- Serves as a case manager for expelled students
- Serves as the Chief Executive Officer's designee for the
- investigation and resolution of extended suspension requests
- Investigates and provides a written investigation report for expulsion requests
- Visits students' homes to problem solve with families
- Identifies early intervention strategies for student academic success
- Works with parents and school staff to assess and support the needs of families
As a liaison
- Works with school staff to help maintain a positive home-school connection through strategies such as home visits and conferences
- Coordinates services for students and families with outside agencies
- Conducts residency investigations
Refers truant students to Interagency Council for
- Attendance
- Refers middle school students to Truancy Reduction Court
- Addresses parent and community concerns
Members of Crisis Response Team
- May assist with application process to alternative programs
As a consultant
- Serves as a consultant to administration, school staff, parents/guardians on issues such as attendance, discipline, residency, counseling, and crisis intervention
Interprets PGCPS administrative policies and procedures, federal, state, and local laws
- Collaborates with school staff in developing intervention to address chronic attendance issues and dropout prevention
- Collaborates with other PGCPS departments/offices to coordinate programs for our students and families
Provides professional development to school staff on a variety of topics
- Collects and analyzes data on attendance and suspensions
As a referral source
- Refers students and families to internal and outside resources