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SY 2023-24 Boundary Discussions

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Pointer Ridge Elementary School

On January 11, 2024, the Board of Education approved the reversal of the previous decision to close Pointer Ridge Elementary School.
Additionally, related boundary changes approved for Perrywood Elementary School, Kettering Elementary School, Benjamin Tasker Middle School, and Kettering Middle School were also canceled.

Pointer Ridge PTA Presentation from November 8th discussion.

School Year 2024-2025 Changes approved in Nov. 2022

The following boundary changes were approved by the Board of Education in November 2022 as part of the Comprehensive Boundary Initiative. The changes will go into effect for the 2024-2025 school year.

6th-Grade Realignments:
Beacon Heights ES to Ellen Ochoa MS
Berwyn Heights ES to Greenbelt MS & William Wirt MS
Bladensburg ES to Ellen Ochoa MS & William Wirt MS
Cooper Lane ES to Ellen Ochoaa MS
Dodge Park ES to Kenmoor MS
Fort Washington Forest ES to Colin L. Powell Academy
Gladys Noon Spellman ES to Ellen Ochoa MS
Glenridge ES to Charles Carroll MS & Ellen Ochoa MS
Judge S.W. Woods, Sr. ES to Kenmoor MS & Ellen Ochoa MS
Port Towns ES to William Wirt MS
Rogers Heights ES to William Wirt MS
Woodridge ES to Ellen Ochoa MS

Boundary Changes:

Sending School

Receiving School

Accokeek Academy

Colin L. Powell Academy

Charles Carroll MS

Ellen Ochoa MS

Concord ES

Doswell E. Brooks ES

Francis Scott Key ES

John H. Bayne ES

G. James Gholson MS

Kenmoor MS

Ellen Ochoa MS

Gwynn Park MS

Colin L. Powell Academy

James McHenry ES

Glenridge ES

Kenmoor MS

Ellen Ochoa MS

Oxon Hill MS

Colin L. Powell Academy

Rogers Heights ES

Bladensburg ES

Gladys Noon Spellman ES

Mount Rainier ES

Rose Valley ES

Colin L. Powell Academy

Tayac ES

Templeton ES

Rogers Heights ES

Thomas Johnson MS

Charles Carroll MS

William Wirt MS

Ellen Ochoa MS

Crossland High School Boundary Changes

*Update* The Board of Education approved the CHS boundary change on November 9, 2023.

A proposal is currently under consideration to phase out the Crossland High School (CHS) neighborhood boundary.  Over the last several years, CHS has transitioned to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Hub for the southern area of the county. With this shift in focus, the comprehensive education program will no longer be offered. Accordingly, students in the current CHS boundary would be given a new neighborhood school assignment that provides a comprehensive education program.

It is recommended that the geographic areas currently assigned to CHS for comprehensive education be reassigned among Potomac High School (53%), Surrattsville High School (39%), and Suitland High School (8%).  The map for the reassignment of the CHS boundary was developed through the Comprehensive School Boundary Initiative, a three-year study of the district’s comprehensive education boundaries.

View the proposed boundary realignment map

The following changes would apply if approved: 

  • Beginning school year 2024-2025, rising 9th-grade students, and rising 10th – 12th-grade students not currently attending CHS, will be assigned to their new neighborhood high school
  • Students will still have the option to attend CHS but must apply to a CTE program

Email with any questions/comments.


Community Information Sessions

Parents, students, and community members were invited to virtual information sessions to learn about the proposed CHS boundary change. These meetings took place on October 4 and October 11 virtually via Zoom.  

View the presentation here:  Crossland High - Information Session Presentation.pdf

View a recording of the October 11 Information Session (click here) 


Public Hearings / Board Meetings

The Board of Education held public hearings (October 19 and October 24) to obtain public comment on the proposed CHS boundary change. To view a recording of the October 19 public hearing click here.


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