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Board Policy 6139 - Test Security and Data Reporting


The Board of Education of Prince George’s County (Board) recognizes that all State and locally mandated assessments are an important part of the educational process. The Board recognizes the importance of administering these assessments with fidelity and ensuring that the results, along with other data sources, are an accurate measure of students’ and schools’ performance in accomplishing learning outcomes. The results also provide data that can be used for the improvement of classroom instruction and curricular programs.


  1. To establish fair and consistent guidelines to ensure that the test administration of State- mandated assessments and other locally mandated assessments are secure, valid and reliable, and to promote the highest standards of testing integrity and ethics by educators and students.
  2. To ensure that the standardization, fairness, and equity in testing and accurate reporting of test data in Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) are followed as outlined in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR).


  1. Local Accountability Coordinator (LAC) – A staff member appointed by the Superintendent to serve as a liaison between the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and PGCPS for state and locally mandated assessments.
  2. Locally-mandated assessments – Assessments either purchased or developed by PGCPS that are aligned with the district’s curriculum and administered across the district to groups of students in identified grades, courses and/or programs.
  3. State-mandated assessments – Assessments required by the Maryland State Board of Education (MSBE) to be administered system-wide at specific grade levels for the purposes of system evaluation, school improvement, and evaluation of student group and individual student achievement.


  1. The Superintendent shall designate a department and a Local Accountability Coordinator (LAC) to develop and implement the following COMAR requirements:
    1. Test Administration
      1. Implement procedures necessary to ensure the security of test materials during testing, and storage under lock and key of all secure tests and test materials in all versions, including, but not limited to, answer keys, audio tapes, videotapes, compact disks (CDs), and examinee answer documents, before, during, and after testing.
      2. Develop and implement annual training protocols for all staff participating in the administration of state and local assessments to ensure the proper administration of
      3. Conduct random monitoring during testing
      4. Prohibit the existence of electronic devices, including personal devices (unless required for testing or administrative purposes) in testing rooms during testing.
      5. Promptly investigate all reported allegations of testing
      6. Implement a testing administration record retention procedure in which all testing information is archived for a minimum of six (6) years after the date of test
    2. Data Reporting
      1. Procedures for the accurate and timely collection, storage, and retrieval of data required by the MSBE;
      2. Procedures for reporting assessment results to parents/guardians of students within 30 days of receipt by PGCPS, but no later than the 15th of September for spring assessment results; and
      3. Procedures for the delivery of assessment results to parents/guardians.
      4. Training of appropriate staff on data reporting
  2. All staff handling any test materials and involved in the testing directly or indirectly shall sign a test administration and certification of training form or a nondisclosure agreement, prior to testing and annually after that, which shall be retained by PGCPS for the duration of the staff’s employment with PGCPS.
  3. The Board and PGCPS shall not take any personnel action as retaliation against an employee who reports information that the employee reasonably believes involves a test security violation.

The Board and PGCPS may take personnel action against an employee if after an investigation it is concluded that the employee was involved in the reported test security violation.


The Board directs the Superintendent to develop an administrative procedure to implement this policy.


  1. Legal
    Code of Maryland Regulation (COMAR) 13A.03.04.03
  2. Other Policies and Administrative Procedures
    Administrative Procedure 6139 – Test Security and Data Reporting


Policy Adopted

Policy Amended

Policy Amended

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Amended

Policy Amended

About This Policy

Updated October 26, 2023
