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Board Policy 1500 - Parent and Community Advisory Council

I. Policy Statement

The Board of Education believes the success and quality of both the existing complement of school system programs and those yet to be developed, depends in large measure on the extent to which they address the perceived educational values and needs of the communities to be served. The Board believes that it is critically important to consider the voices of the community, parents/guardians, teachers, school-based staff, residents, community associations, and other key community stakeholders who all have a shared interest and investment in the well-being of children.

Because of this desire to engage parents/guardians and the public at large in a structured manner, the Board of Education establishes a 15-member Parent and Community Advisory Council (“PCAC”), the majority of whom shall be parents/guardians of students enrolled in the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) and reflect the diversity of the school community. The Board and the Superintendent will consult regularly with the Advisory Council to ensure parental involvement in the development and implementation of the education policies and procedures in the school system and to increase community involvement and outreach in support of the system’s schools.

II. Purpose

Pursuant to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 4-112, the purpose of this policy is to establish a citizen advisory committee entitled the Parent and Community Advisory Council (“PCAC”) to ensure that the Board and Superintendent are informed by a variety of opinions from citizens and staff when considering specific issues, policies, activities, and programs.

III. Definitions

  1. Good Standing – A PCAC member is considered in good standing if they meet all of the membership requirements and attend the majority of the PCAC meetings.
  2. Parent - A biological or adoptive parent, legal guardian, or an individual acting as a parent in the absence of the parent or guardian of a student enrolled in PGCPS.
  3. Parent and Community Advisory Council (PCAC) – A standing advisory committee established in accordance with the public school laws of Maryland to advise and report to the full Board.
  4. Liaison –Individual(s)designated by the Board and the Superintendent whose primary responsibility is to provide information to and from the PCAC and the Board, the Superintendent, and students to establish and maintain communication for mutual understanding and cooperation between the PCAC and the Board, the Superintendent, and students. A liaison is not a voting member of the PCAC.

IV. Standards

  1. The Parent-Community Advisory Council collectively advises the Board and the Superintendent and serves as a channel for public concerns, advice, and information to reach the Board. The PCAC will also receive from the community or the Board concerns, information, and inquiries about matters within the province of the Board and research issues as appropriate. The Board may establish additional advisory committees at its discretion.
  2. The Board of Education shall appoint the following members from the list of recommended applicants by the Superintendent. The members shall reflect the geographical, racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity of the county.
    1. ) Nine (9) members shall be appointed representing the nine elected Board of Education districts and each appointment shall be made by the Board member representing the respective district from the list of the Superintendent’s recommended applicants Each appointed member representing one of the nine elected Board of Education districts must be a parent/guardian, as defined in the definitions, of at least one student currently enrolled in the school system. In the event the parent no longer satisfies the requirements of that definition, the seat will be vacated and a new representative must be appointed.
    2. ) Four (4) members shall be appointed representing entities from the faith-based, non-profit, community/civic organization, labor unions, or business sectors within Prince George’s County. These appointments will be made by a vote of the full Board.
    3. ) Two (2) members shall be appointed representing school-level staff, faculty, and administration as a current PGCPS employees. These appointments shall be made by a vote of the full Board from a list submitted by the Superintendent.
    4. ) If any of the above-appointed member positions become vacant at any time during the year, the Board will advertise the vacancy no later than one month of being notified of the vacancy. Upon receipt and review of the submitted applications, the Board shall appoint a member recommended by the Superintendent to fill the vacancy.
    5. ) By April 1 (March 1) of each school year vacancies on the PCAC for the upcoming school year will be advertised and applications will be made available for anyone interested in applying for one of the above positions on the PCAC. The review and appointment process will be completed by the Superintendent and Board members no later than June (May)1 of each year. (staggering terms vs. having a cohort of members)
  3. The Board will designate a Board member and ask the student Board member if they would like to be a member of the PCAC. If the Student Board member indicates that they would like to be a liaison, then the Student Board member or a PGCPS student, who is a member of the Student Member of the Board (SMOB) Advisory Council, selected by the Student Member to serve as an alternate when the Student Member is unable to attend a PCAC meeting, will serve as liaisons to the PCAC.
  4. The Superintendent may serve as liaison to the PCAC or may designate a staff member to serve as liaison.
  5. The PCAC shall establish, with the Board’s and the Superintendent’s review and approval, its own Bylaws to govern its operations. The Bylaws shall define what is required of a PCAC member to be in good standing and the process to remove a member when it is determined that they are not in good standing. Any amendments to the PCAC Bylaws must be approved by the Board.
  6. The PCAC shall elect their own Chair, Vice Chair, and Recording Secretary biennially or in accordance with their Bylaws.
  7. Each member of the PCAC shall serve for a term of two years. A member may not serve for more than two consecutive terms. A member whose term has expired shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed, not longer than three (3) additional months.
  8. The PCAC will meet at times and places convenient to its members and will provide public notice of the dates, times, and locations of their meetings pursuant to the requirements of the Opens Meeting Act. The PCAC chairperson or designee will provide meeting minutes to the Board in a timely manner.
  9. The full Board and the Superintendent will consult regularly, but not less than quarterly with the Parent Community Advisory Council (PCAC) and may meet more frequently by mutual agreement. Prior to the first Board meeting of the school year, the Board and the Superintendent will meet with the PCAC to receive input regarding the development of the annual performance goals of the Board and PGCPS.
  10. The PCAC may offer recommendations to the Board or any standing committee by taking a majority vote of all members and such recommendations shall be sent in a written report to the Board. At the Board’s discretion, a recommendation from the PCAC may be added to the Board agenda and presented during a Board meeting in both oral and written format.
  11. The PCAC will serve in an advisory capacity only and will not conflict, in any way, with the responsibilities of the Board and the Superintendent, nor will they in any way alter the relationships between the Board and external individuals or groups who may wish to meet with or present issues to the Board.
  12. Except as specifically authorized by the Board, the PCAC will not:
    1. Raise funds
    2. Expend PGCPSS funds
    3. Obligate the Board for the payment of any funds.
  13. The Board has the authority to alter these standards at any time by majority vote.

V. Implementation Responsibilities

  1. The Superintendent may appoint a staff liaison to the PCAC who will attend all meetings of the Council.
  2. The Board and the Superintendent shall consult regularly with the PCAC at such times determined appropriate by the Board of Education.
  3. The Board Office shall provide administrative support as needed for the PCAC.
  4. The Superintendent may appoint at least one member of PCAC, along with a community member(s) that they deem most qualified, on each PGCPS community-focused task force or review committee.
  5. The Board Office, with the cooperation of the liaison appointed by the Superintendent shall:
    1. Develop and implement the advisory committee application process, including announcements and application forms.
    2. Prepare, for the Board in advance of appointment, briefing packets that contain lists of committee vacancies, persons who have applied or been recommended, current committee composition, and copies of applications received.

VI. References

  1. Legal
    Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article §4-112

VII. History

Policy Adopted 3/12/87

Policy Amended 9/14/89

Policy Amended 1/6/05

Policy Reviewed – No Revisions Required 10/26/05

Policy Amended 4/29/10

Policy Amended 11/21/13

Policy Amended 07/28/21

Policy Amended 10/27/22

Policy Amended 04/25/2024

About This Policy

Updated April 25, 2024


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