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Board Policy 1422 - Contests for Students

The Board of Education receives an increasingly large number of requests for contests in the schools.  It recognizes the merit of some of these requests and appreciates the interest in the schools evidenced by local, state and national organizations.

At the same time the Board recognizes its responsibility for maintaining a planned, balanced educational program and will neither approve nor condone activities which tend to disrupt or are unrelated to the planned program of instruction at any given time. Contests or activities shall be open to all students regardless of sex, race, creed, religion, and/or national origin.

The Board believes also that contests will fall into three categories:

  1. Those approved for announcement or posting in the schools and not requiring any other action by school personnel and/or students during school time.
  2. Those approved for active participation by students in classes in the schools on school time.
  3. Those disapproved for either of the above categories or for any action involving the schools.

The Superintendent shall appoint a County Contest Committee to serve as the screening agent for requests for school/student participation in contests.

Favorable action by this committee shall be considered permissive only and not obligatory on the part of any school/student.

Policy Adopted 

Policy Amended

Policy Amended

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Amended

About This Policy

Updated April 29, 2010


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