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BP 0123 - Artificial Intelligence

I. Policy Statement

  1. The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) recognizes that foundational to Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) outcome goal of educational excellence is the strategic imperative to re-imagine teaching and learning in non-traditional ways to meet and inspire the needs of PGCPS learners.
  2. The Board acknowledges that by harnessing the power of organizational learning for improved creativity, enriched collaboration, system knowledge sharing, and operational efficiency, workforce, and operational excellence can be achieved.
  3. The Board recognizes that the use of artificial intelligence can when used appropriately, enhance student learning by improving the efficiency of education, providing new and creative ways to support learning, and encouraging independent research, curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the introduction and use of artificial intelligence with staff for productivity and instruction and with students for instruction.

III. Definitions

Within the context of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) – is a system of machine learning that is capable of performing complex and original tasks such as problem-solving, learning, reasoning, understanding natural language, and recognizing patterns in data. AI systems use algorithms, data, and computational power to simulate cognitive functions and make autonomous decisions, enabling them to perform a wide range of tasks and improve their performance over time through learning and adaptation.
  2. Ed-tech vendor – A vendor that offers Ed-tech (a combination of "education" and "technology") hardware and software designed to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve students' education outcomes.
  3. Stakeholders – PGCPS students, staff, parents, and community members.

IV. Standards

  1. Planning for implementation of AI in the instructional and work setting
    1. The Superintendent will establish a cross-functional joint working group across several divisions, including Information Technology, Curriculum, Accountability, and Human Resources to create long-term professional application and instructional guidance regarding artificial intelligence.
    2. Where appropriate, the working group will invite PGCPS students and representatives from higher education to discuss specific topics being addressed by the working group.
    3. The working group shall address the following characteristics of AI and the acquisition of AI:
      1. Alignment of AI to PGCPS’ Strategic Framework Mission and Outcome Goals;
      2. Privacy and data security – clearly outline how data will be collected, stored, and used, and implement robust security measures to protect information and records about students and staff from unauthorized access;
      3. Notice and explanation of how AI is being incorporated within edtech systems – provide clear explanations of its capabilities and the potential impact to students and staff;
      4. Algorithmic discrimination protections – minimize bias and promote fairness by regularly assessing and addressing biases that may arise in data, algorithms, or decision making processes;
      5. Transparent, accountable, and responsible use by defining the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders and developing processes to address errors and unintended consequences;
      6. Human alternatives, consideration, and feedback by ensuring that there are mechanisms in place for human oversight and intervention; and
      7. Requirements for edtech vendors to explicitly disclose the integration of AI within their products.
  2. Guidelines for the Use of AI
    1. Use of a specific AI platform in the classroom requires that the AI system is vetted and approved by the Superintendent/designee.
    2. Appropriate professional development will be made available to all staff utilizing AI. Professional development may include:
      1. Ethical principles associated with the use of AI;
      2. Relevant laws and regulations that address the use of AI; and
      3. Best practices associated with AI.
    3. The use of AI will not replace teaching by classroom teachers but instead will be used as a supplemental tool by teachers.
    4. When applicable, parental consent will be obtained prior to offering certain AI services to students.
    5. The use of AI must comply with State and federal laws and regulations, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
    6. Teachers will guide and monitor student use of AI in the classroom setting and during instruction, ensuring that it aligns with Board policies and PGCPS administrative procedures.
    7. Any use of AI must be cited, just as with any other source, and may not be submitted as the original work. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are prohibited. It is the responsibility of staff to monitor for plagiarism.
    8. Staff should not rely on AI as a fact-checker to confirm their work or research as it might not always provide accurate or up-to-date information. It is the responsibility of staff to check the accuracy of the information provided by an AI platform.
    9. Inappropriate use of AI in which Board policies and/or PGCPS administrative procedures, or State and federal laws and regulations have been violated, may result in disciplinary action.
    10. Collaboration with the wider AI community by promoting knowledge sharing, best practices, and participation in initiatives that aim to advance ethical AI development is critical.

V. Implementation and Responsibilities

  1. The Superintendent is required to develop an administrative procedure to implement this policy.
  2. The Board will review, assess, and revise (as needed) this policy on an annual basis according to evolving technologies, ethical considerations, and feedback from stakeholders.

VI. References

  1. Legal
    20 USC 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    15 USC 6501-6506; 16 CFR 312.1-.12 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
  2. Other Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
    Policy 0115 – Information Technology Services – Acceptable Usage Guidelines
    Policy 0125 – Nondiscrimination
    Policy 5143 – Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation
    Administrative Procedure 0700 – Information Technology Services Acceptable Usage Guidelines
    Administrative Procedure 4170 – Discrimination and Harassment
    Administrative Procedure 5143 – Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation
    Administrative Procedure 10101 – Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

VII. History

Policy Adopted - 04/25/2024

Policy Effective - 07/01/2024

About This Policy

Adopted 04/25/2024


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