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Board Policy 0122 - Data Dashboard

I. Policy Statement

The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) is committed to attaining educational excellence by providing every Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) student with a premier education characterized by innovative, relevant, and accessible learning and development opportunities that build 21st century competencies. The Board’s vision paints a future of equity and justice where all stakeholders, regardless of background or experiences, have access to a broad array of relevant educational opportunities, high-quality learning environments and holistic support systems that empower them to succeed. The Board of Education drives reform efforts through setting clear performance targets and holding ourselves and the school system accountable for meeting those targets.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide a transparent and comprehensive progress monitoring system to ensure that the Critical Success Indicators (CSIs) identified in the PGCPS Strategic Plan progress toward achieving the outcome goals established in PGCPS Strategic Plan.

This policy establishes a “data dashboard” for PGCPS that will enable the Board and the public at large to monitor the progress towards achieving the outcome goals established in the Strategic Plan.

III. Definitions

Within the context of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  1. Critical Success Indicators (CSI) – Targets that have been established to monitor progress toward achieving the outcome goals established in the Strategic Plan.
  2. Data Dashboard - A data dashboard consists of a limited number of carefully selected indicators (analogous to the dials on a car dashboard) for which data are gathered and analyzed by district staff under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The data are presented on a regular basis to the Board of Education and made available to the public.
  3. Indicator – A value that is a measure of a particular goal or process.
  4. Metric – A guideline used over time to measure progress towards a goal.
  5. Target – A specific value for a metric that will drive progress and set a point of identifying movement to another step in the improvement process.

IV. Standards

  1. Annual Targets

The annual targets, which will consist of the CSIs from the Strategic Plan, will be aligned with each outcome goal and corresponding components established in the Strategic Plan, to include (but not limited to) the following:

  1. Educational Excellence
    1. Aligning curriculum, instruction, and assessment with standards
    2. Improving educational outcomes in English Language Arts (ELA) proficiency and Math proficiency
    3. Narrowing achievement gaps in ELA and Math
    4. Increasing college and career readiness, i.e. postsecondary preparedness
  2. Excellence in Equity
    1. Creating inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments
    2. Creating inclusive, culturally responsive work environments
    3. Creating an inclusive, culturally responsive culture and climate
  3. Workforce/Operational Excellence
    1. Improving operational efficiency
    2. Realizing operational excellence
    3. Improving creativity, collaboration, and knowledge sharing
    4. Realizing workforce excellence
  4. Mental Health and Wellness
    1. Increasing awareness of mental health and wellness linkages to learning
    2. Eliminating stigmas
    3. Increasing access to supports
    4. Decreasing adverse outcomes

B. Data Dashboard Reporting

  1. The CEO shall provide the Board status reports of the CSIs identified in the Strategic Plan using Data Dashboards. As appropriate data become available and at appropriate regular intervals the status reports of progress and attainment of the CSIs will be made available via electronic reporting modes to all stakeholders including but not limited to the Board, staff, parents, community, etc. The results will be utilized for system-wide accountability, the CEO’s evaluation and targeting areas for commendations and improvements.
  2. All dashboards will follow all data security protocols and student data will be protected in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

V. Implementation and Responsibilities

The CEO is responsible for developing administrative procedures to implement this policy.

VI. References

  1. Legal
    20 U.S.C. §§1232g; 34 CFR Part 99- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  2. Other Board Policies
    Board Policy 5125 – Student Records

VII. History

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended

About This Policy

Updated April 27, 2023


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