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Board Policy 0114 - School Uniforms


The Board of Education believes that students attending Prince George’s County Public Schools should dress in a way that is consistent with creating a positive and non-disruptive learning environment and respecting students’ rights to express themselves through their choice of personal attire. The decision whether to adopt a school-site uniform program is to be made at the local school level in accordance with PGCPS administrative procedures.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for a school community that would like to establish a school-site uniform program.


  1. Voluntary School Uniform Program - One that authorizes and encourages students at a school to wear an adopted school uniform.
  2. Mandatory School Uniform Program - One that requires students at a school to wear an adopted school uniform.
  3. School Uniform Committee - A committee composed of representatives of the school community, including parents, administration, and students.


  1. All schools shall adhere to a non-uniform program, until and unless they adopt a voluntary or mandatory school uniform program.
  2. Any school may adopt a voluntary uniform program without further approval from the Board, subject to the following guidelines:
    1. The school shall organize and convene a School Uniform Committee to oversee the development of the voluntary school uniform program.
    2. Students will not be disciplined or otherwise penalized for failing to wear uniforms.
    3. The School Uniform Committee will establish mechanisms to accommodate families who may require assistance in obtaining a uniform.
  3. A school may adopt a mandatory uniform program without further approval from the Board, subject to the following guidelines:
    1. The process for adopting a mandatory school uniform program shall be initiated by a petition from 20% of the parent(s) or guardian(s) at the school in favor of adoption.
    2. Once a qualifying petition is submitted, the school shall organize and convene a School Uniform Committee to assist in the development of the mandatory school uniform program.
    3. The School Uniform Committee shall facilitate a ballot voting method to determine whether the school will have a mandatory school uniform program and it shall take the affirmative vote of all ballots returned to the school by at least 50% of the parents or guardians to establish a mandatory school uniform program.
    4. For compliance purposes for schools with mandatory uniform policies, if students fail to wear uniforms, schools will develop incentives and other positive reinforcement measures in consultation with the student's parents or guardians in lieu of disciplinary actions.
    5. The School Uniform Committee will establish mechanisms to accommodate families who may require assistance in obtaining a uniform.
    6. Once the mandatory uniform policy has been established by the affirmative vote of at least 50% of the parents or guardians at the school, the mandatory uniform program will remain in effect for five years or until 20% of the parents or guardians petition against the program, at which time the school will conduct a new process following the same procedures for adoption of a mandatory uniform program. The mandatory uniform program will remain in effect until the new process is completed and the mandatory uniform program is repealed or renewed.
  4. The Board shall be notified of any school that adopts a voluntary or mandatory uniform program.
  5. Once established, a voluntary or mandatory school uniform program shall automatically expire five years after adoption. Prior to expiration, the school community may again initiate the process for adopting a new voluntary or mandatory uniform program in order to maintain the program without interruption.


  1. The CEO is authorized to develop regulations to implement this policy.
  2. The CEO will maintain a database of schools that have adopted a uniform program and ensure that the five year expiration period is followed.


  1. Maryland Annotated Code, Education Article 3-1007
  2. BP 5152 - Student Dress Code
  3. AP 0114 - School Uniforms


  1. Policy adopted as 0600 on 6/19/97
  2. Policy amended on 1/24/02
  3. Policy amended on 8/22/02
  4. Policy amended and renumbered 0114 on 3/4/03
  5. Policy reviewed – no revisions required on 11/15/04
  6. Policy reviewed – no revisions required on 9/28/05
  7. Policy amended on 4/29/10
  8. Policy amended on 11/18/21 (Effective Date: 7/1/22)

About This Policy

Updated July 1, 2022


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