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Administrative Procedure 5126 - Release of Certain Student Information

I. Purpose

To adopt procedures that ensure compliance with federal and State laws that require the release of certain student information.

II. Background

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires local school systems to disclose the names and addresses of high school students and graduates to a branch of the United States armed forces when requested. State law allows for disclosure of the same student information to State or federal agencies or a representative of a community college in the State so that students can be provided with information about college admissions, financial aid, and scholarships.

III. Board Policy

In accordance with federal law, upon written request to the Chief Executive Officer, the names and addresses of high school students and graduates may be disclosed to a branch of the United States armed forces for the purpose of providing students with information related to career and educational opportunities available through the military.

Upon written request to the Chief Executive Officer, the names and addresses of high school students may be disclosed to State or federal agencies, or a representative of a community college in the State, for the purpose of providing students with information related to college admissions, financial aid or scholarships. An agency does not include a college, university, vocational school or other institution of higher learning (Board Policy 5126).

IV. Procedures

  1. At the beginning of each school year, every high school principal must mail a student’s parent or guardian the parent consent form. Parents are to be provided an opportunity to indicate in writing to the school system that they DO NOT WANT their student’s name and address information provided to either community colleges and/or branches of the U.S. armed forces.
  2. Parents should be given a specific date (September 30 or 30 days after the first day of enrollment) by which they must return the form to the school office. If the form is not received by the due date, parents will need to wait until the following school year to make the change.
  3. For students who enter school mid-year or anytime after the beginning of the school year, parents should be provided with the parent consent form at the time the student is registered by the parent.
  4. School personnel are responsible for collecting the forms from parents and entering the data into the student information system.
  5. The Chief Information Office is responsible for verifying the information and providing the list to requesting agencies.
  6. All requests by external agencies for lists of student information should be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer.

V. Related Procedures

None. This is a new Administrative Procedure.

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates with the Chief Executive Officer and will be updated as needed.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures


VIII. Effective Date

August 20, 2003

About This Procedure

Last Revised: August 20, 2003
