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Administrative Procedure 5125.5 - Children in State-Supervised Care-Transfer of Educational Records


To provide procedures for the expeditious transfer of educational records of Children in State-Supervised Care.

II. Policy

The Board of Education is committed to the well-being of all the children in the Prince George’s County public school system. The Board maintains that it is imperative that children who are in State-Supervised Care are promptly enrolled in appropriate schools and that the transfer of educational records is expedited as quickly as possible. The expeditious transfer of these records is critical to academic success. (Board Policy 5125.1)


  1. Child in State-Supervised Care - A child who is in the custody of, committed to, or otherwise placed by a placement agency.
  2. Notice - Written, verbal, or other communication regarding the identification of a Child in State-Supervised Care has been effectuated.
  3. Placement Agency - A local department of social services; the State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; the State Department of Juvenile Services; or a private agency that engages in the placement of children in homes or with individuals and is licensed by the social services administration.
  4. Receiving School - A public school or a non-collegiate educational institution affiliated with a residential child care program or treatment facility that has an educational program approved by the Maryland State Department of Education in which a child in State-Supervised Care is newly enrolled or seeks to enroll.
  5. Sending School - A public school or a non-collegiate educational institution affiliated with a residential child care program or treatment facility that has an educational program approved by the Maryland State Department of Education in which a child in State-Supervised Care was enrolled prior to enrolling, or seeking to enroll, in a receiving school.

IV. Procedures

  1. Notice - Prior to or concurrent with the placement or modification of the placement of a child in State-Supervised Care, the placement agency responsible for the child or its designee shall provide notice to a receiving school regarding the enrollment or imminent enrollment of the child in State-Supervised Care. This notice may also be provided by the parent, education guardian, parent surrogate, foster parent, court-appointed attorney, or court appointed special advocate acting on behalf of the child in state-supervised care.
  2. Receiving School - If a school receives notice of enrollment under Section A above, the receiving school has two (2) days to respond.
    1. First, the receiving school must inform the sending school of the enrollment or imminent enrollment of the child in State-Supervised Care.
    2. Request, in writing, the educational records of the child in State-Supervised Care from the sending school.
    3. Provide a copy of the request made under item 2 above to the child or the responsible adult acting on behalf of the child in State-Supervised Care of their rights.
    4. Inform the child or the responsible adult acting on behalf of the child in State-Supervised Care of their rights and a copy of this procedure.
  3. Sending School - After receiving a notice of enrollment from the receiving school, the sending school must immediately inform the receiving school orally of the grade level in which the child was last enrolled and the status of the child as to special needs or an IEP. Within three (3) school days following the receipt of notice, the sending school must email, fax, or first class mail a copy of:
    1. A completed student withdrawal or transfer record of the child in State-Supervised Care;
    2. The academic records of the child in State-Supervised Care;
    3. The immunization records of the child in State-Supervised Care; and
    4. If applicable, the most recent IEP or Section 504 Plan and the most recent assessment.

      A placement agency or a school employee may also hand carry the documents listed in this section from a sending school to a receiving school.
  4. Dispute Resolution Process - During the appeal process, the child in State-Supervised Care shall remain enrolled in the receiving school. The child shall be provided appropriate educational services, including the implementation of an existing IEP.

V. Related Procedures and Regulations

Administrative Procedure 4171, Responding to Inquiries and Complaints From the Public and Maryland Annotated Code, Education Article, Section 8-504.

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Office of General Counsel and will be updated as needed.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 5125.5, dated October 6, 2005.

VIII. Effective Date

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2013


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