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Administrative Procedure 5125.4 - Information Technology Service Request Authorization

I. Purpose

To provide the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) user community with the procedures to be followed to obtain information technology data and system requests.

II. Information

PGCPS maintains a sophisticated, state of the art instructional and business support information systems. Any request for system data, application changes or adding new modules to these systems must follow a process for requesting Information Technology (IT) services. This process will help maintain an audit trail for changes and enforce rules related to system performance and secure privacy of data.

III. Background

PGCPS operates Oracle E-Business Suite to supplement its systematic objectives in supporting the instructional and financial business system. SchoolMAX Student Information System (SIS), Employee Payroll, Human Resources and numerous other Oracle E Business Suite modules have been implemented to support the operational needs of the district.

To support these applications, the IT department has established a procedure for requesting services or data. The Service Request Authorization (SRA) application will expedite the process of resolving critical issues; identify needs for
modification and IT support issues. It will also provide an auditable record for resolution of concerns, as well as define development and enhancements needs.

All service requests must have the application module’s data owners’ approval unless the SRA was initiated for technical and upgrade purposes by the IT department.

IV. Procedures

  1. A link to the SRA application is on the log-on screens of all PGCPS enterprise systems (Oracle ERP, Student information system and Data warehouse). All PGCPS employees have access to create a ticket in the SRA application.
    Service Request Form (SRA) form completion process:
    1. PGCPS User(s) procedure starts by identifying the need for IT assistance. The user must complete a Service Request Authorization (SRA) form on the online SRA application, giving a detailed description of the problem(s) or requested data, the instance and module(s) affected, a “user” priority status, the expected resolution/result, and a projected completion date . The user will log on to the online SRA application using their network login credentials.

      The SRA subject description should be very detailed to avoid “duplication” of service requests. Pertinent supporting documentation should be attached, along with screen shots, if applicable.

      Once the user enters the required information and saves the request, the system will automatically generate an SRA number. The system will also send out an email to the SRA owner, Functional Department Owner, Business Applications Manager and IT Team Lead. Email alerts will be sent out when updates are made to the SRA request, when the status of the SRA is waiting on the customer and when the SRA is finally closed. When the status is waiting on the customer, the email alert will be sent out once a week until an action is taken and the status is changed.

      For issues/requests identified internally in IT, an IT staff member must also create a SRA form.

      The estimated completion time for SRA tasks is addressed on page 3 of this procedure.
    2. All SRA service requests will be reviewed by the appropriate IT department. The department will work with representatives from the divisions of the school system to ensure that the requests are appropriate and that systematic resources are used efficiently and effectively.

      All data requests must meet the following criteria:
      1. The output requested does not currently exist;
      2. The requested program and output is consistent with Board of Education policy;
      3. The task cannot be performed “by hand” in less time or with less handling – i.e., the program is cost efficient;
      4. The results of the program will clearly improve student and/or system performance; and
      5. The effect of not developing the program will be detrimental to some aspect of the instructional program and/or the school system’s capability.

        Requested system data provided by IT may not be used for personal advantage. Users of the output are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the data, and, if appropriate, the confidentiality of the data.
  2. The Information Technology procedure starts by the Business or Student Application Supervisor/Technical Lead reviewing the service request, considering priority status and determining the need for updates and/or program changes to the application. All data requests will also be reviewed to ensure they meet the outlined criteria.

    If a need for system change or a new report is determined, the request will be assigned to a developer to complete the requested tasks. The estimated completion time for a SRA is dependent on the complexity of the request. The appropriate team will complete the tasks requested in these time frames based on the priority of the issue.
    1. Production Critical : < 36 Hrs
    2. High/Medium : < 72 Hrs
    3. Low : < 120 Hrs
    4. New Systems/System Enhancement : 0 – 6 months

    Requests requiring extensive software development and technical resources can take several months to complete. IT will work closely with end-users to ensure that all are informed concerning the status of their requests.
  3. The assigned developer will work on system changes or data requests; document progress and test results as analysis and development are done. The developer will meet with user(s) when resolution has been developed and tested to gain feedback on expectations and assist the user in performing individual tests on system changes designed for resolution.
  4. The department approver must approve all system changes in the SRA application before changes are made in production. The department approver must also approve all data requests. The appropriate department approver must verify the system changes after it is moved to Production to ensure it meets expectations; and then close the service request in the SRA application.
  5. Help Desk Tickets (HDT) may periodically be converted to Service Requests in the SRA application when they meet the following criteria:
    1. The HDT requires a response that will take more than 24 hours (3 working days);
    2. The HDT requires a patch or new code for the application;
    3. The HDT requires a system enhancement to the application; or
    4. The HDT requires input from the vendor of the application.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

Designated staff in the Division of Information Technology will continuously update and communicate the status of the SRA request to the user/requesters. The outcome of the SRA must produce accurate information for the requested services.

VI. Related Procedures

Administrative Procedure 5125, Individual Student School-Based Records.

VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

Information Technology – Technology Applications is responsible for reviewing and updating this Administrative Procedure.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 5125.4, dated July 1, 2005.

IX. Effective Date

July 1, 2019

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2019


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