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Administrative Procedure 5125.2 - Student Records - Form Management Program

I. Purpose

To provide general procedures for the management of system-wide form introduction, revision, deletion and use as relates to student data collection and maintenance for student records.

II. Policy

The Prince George’s County public school system will make every effort to keep student records confidential and safeguard them from those who might use them for other than legitimate purposes. Information of a highly confidential and personal nature about students that counselors, teachers, and other school personnel acquire will be respected as confidential. The interest of the student will supersede all other purposes to which records might be put.
(Board Policy 5125)

III. Definition

A Student Data Form shall refer to any printed document which calls for personally identifiable student information and which is intended for use and/or maintenance in any school system program/office/department/division or in more than a single school (i.e., a form intended for use or maintenance system-wide).

IV. Responsibilities

The Division of Student Services is responsible for the coordination of ongoing review, revision, consolidation, or deletion of student data forms currently in use and for the coordination of the introduction of new student data forms for student records.

The Division of Student Services shall notify the Department of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries of any new forms or changes or deletions to existing student records forms. The Department of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries is responsible for the maintenance and updating of the Descriptive Listing of forms in the Student Enrollment Manual.

V. Procedures

  1. Originating programs, offices, or departments will join in periodic reviews, initiated by the Office of Student Records and Transfers, of student records data forms, upon receipt of Form PS-79, Known Student Data Forms.
  2. Originating programs, offices, departments or divisions will notify the Division of Student Services of deletions, if deletion occurs subsequent to the review.
  3. Origination programs, offices, departments or divisions will transmit to the Division of Student Services proposals for revisions and consolidations of existing forms and proposals for the introduction of any new student data forms for student records for review and recommendation in order to avoid duplication and overlap, and insure conformity with law, prior to actual introduction of said forms.
    1. A statement including need, purpose, reasons for included content, and those by whom this form would be used should accompany the proposed form. This information on student records is to be included in the Descriptive Listing of Types of Information Contained in the Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries Enrollment Manual
    2. A proposed form number indicating the originating department should be included on the lower left corner of said form (e.g., PS indicates Student Services as the originating department; SEP indicates Special Education as the originating department; and PA indicates Pupil Accounting as the originating department).
  4. The Division of Student Services will study the proposed student data form and accompanying statement to ensure compliance with existing laws and Board of Education policies and to avoid duplication with other forms in use or under preparation. Such review shall be in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel.
  5. The Chief of Student Services or Designee, with a representative of the originating office, will review and make recommendations concerning the modification, consolidation, deletion of, or additions to a proposed revision or a new student records data form.
  6. The Division of Student Services will notify the originating program, office, department or division , through its representative, of the recommendations so that the originating unit can modify or withdraw the proposed student records data form or arrange for printing, distribution, and guidelines for use.
  7. Originating programs, offices, departments, or division will notify the Division of Student Services of the final disposition of the proposed revision or the proposed new student records data form, and will provide two copies thereof, if the revision or new form is to be disseminated for use.
  8. The Division of Student Services will notify the Board of Education and appropriate school system personnel through the updating of the Descriptive Listing of Types of Information Contained in the Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries Enrollment Manual, of the continuance, revision, consolidation, deletion or addition of student records data forms.

VI. Related Procedures

  1. Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.08.02, Student Records.
  2. Maryland Student Records System Manual of Instruction, 2008.
  3. The Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries Enrollment Manual.
  4. Administrative Procedure 5125, Individual Student School-Based Records.
  5. Administrative Procedure 5125.1, Individual Student Non-School-Based Records.
  6. Administrative Procedure 5150, Student Involvement, Rights, and Responsibilities.

VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Division of Student Services and will be updated as needed.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 5125.2, dated January 14, 2005.

IX. Effective Date

January 1, 2009

About This Procedure

Last Revised: January 1, 2009


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