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Administrative Procedure 6158 - Articulation

I. Purpose

This Administrative Procedure sets forth minimum requirements in the area of articulation from the elementary to junior high/middle school and from junior high/middle school to the senior high/high school. It is recognized that articulation should occur between all grade levels not only when students move from school to school. In addition, the procedure provides various suggestions for meeting these minimum requirements. Hopefully, many schools will go beyond these minimum requirements and develop their own strategies/activities in providing for the unique needs of their students.

II. Definitions

Articulation, as used in this Administrative Procedure, is defined as those activities for students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators that enhance the student’s ability to adjust to a new school environment and insure a smooth transition in the instructional delivery of subject content.  Such articulation is specially needed when large groups move from the elementary to junior high/middle school and from the junior high/middle school to the senior high/high school. 

III. Procedures

  1. Developing Individual School Plans

    Each secondary school in the Prince George’s County School System is required to develop an articulation plan.  In fulfilling this requirement, a school-based committee is to be formed with representatives from the following groups:
    Teachers (Representing required and elective subjects)
    Support Personnel (bus drivers, health aides, security, etc.)

    The articulation plan must be developed by the receiving school in consultation with sending schools.
  2. Minimum Requirements/Goals

    Each secondary school will plan activities and strategies to fulfill minimum requirements/goals.  Activities, at the minimum , should provide students, teachers/administrators, and parents/guardians with an opportunity to: 

    become acquainted with the physical facilities (including locker operation for incoming 7th graders) and appropriate staff of the new school prior to the first day of the new school year.

    become aware of activities, clubs, performing groups, sports and other special interest areas.

    raise questions about the new school with appropriate school personnel.

    become acquainted with the countywide program offerings K-12 (i.e., policy, sequencing and placement).

    become acquainted with the instructional programs in local feeder and receiving school.

    become acquainted with the criteria for instructional levels and special placements.

    become acquainted with the relationship of course offerings and sequences to educational and career planning. 

    The number of activities/strategies fulfilling the above requirements is left to the discretion of each school.  School staffs may want to develop and use their own strategies or choose from the suggested strategies in the Articulation Program for Certain Target Populations (available in the Department of Pupil Services).
  3. Submission of Plan

    This plan is to be submitted, in writing, to the Area Assistant Superintendent by November 1st of each school year.  The completed plan will include the minimum requirements and show strategies and anticipated dates for accomplishing these requirements.  

IV. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

 The Department of Pupil Services is responsible for the maintenance and updating of these procedures. 

V. Effective Date

Immediately (May 15, 1981)
