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Administrative Procedure 6115 - Emergency Procedures

I. Purpose

To provide for the safety of all persons in Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) schools, school facilities and non-instructional facilities, through the development and maintenance of emergency plans to address emergency situations.

II. Background

An important education goal through Maryland law and safety standards is to create and maintain safe, secure and drug-free school environments conducive to learning. To achieve this goal, it is essential that all school systems take measures to prevent/mitigate risk, prepare for hazards that cannot be fully mitigated, and be prepared to respond to a variety of emergency situations. The isolated, yet tragic and violent events that have happened in schools validate the need for schools to have well-written and well-rehearsed plans that address a variety of emergencies. Plans must be relevant and useful during an emergency situation. Emergency plans must be continuously reviewed, updated, and exercised.

III. Definitions

  1. Drill – A formalized exercise by which school system personnel, school staff, or students rehearse the plan or portions of the school emergency plan.
  2. Emergency – A violent or traumatic event on school, school facility or non-instructional facility grounds during regular school hours or during school-sponsored activities; or events in the community that affect normal school Emergencies may include, but are not limited to, bomb threats, criminal activities, accidents, fires, explosions, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, and weather-related events.
  3. Emergency Plan – A plan for each public school, school facility and non- instructional facility within the local school system that addresses mitigation, prevention, preparation, response, and recovery to an emergency.
  4. Incident Command Team – A group of qualified individuals who are tasked with specific roles when responding to an emergency in their school as determined by the Principal/Administrator. The roles consists of: Incident Commander, Safety Coordinator, Liaison Coordinator, Public Information Coordinator, Medical Coordinator, Staffing Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Transportation Coordinator, Food Services Coordinator and staff who address Family Reunification.
  5. Mitigation – A preventive action taken to reduce the loss of life or damage to property from all hazards.

IV. Procedures

  1. The Director of Safety and Security Services shall issue an Emergency Plan guidance document and video for the development of emergency plans which detail the mitigation, prevention preparation, response, and recovery to an emergency that impacts a school, school facility, non-instructional facility or the school system.
  2. An Emergency Plan template, guidance document and video shall be developed by the Safety and Security Services Department and updated annually.
  3. The updated template shall be uploaded electronically to the designated storage site prior to the beginning of each school year.
  4. The Principal, in coordination with staff on the Incident Command Team and Safety and Security Services staff , shall update the Emergency Plan for the school annually at the start of the school year. Upon completion, the Principal is required to submit the plan to the Safety and Security Services Department for review.
  5. Each school’s Emergency Plan shall be reviewed and approved each year by the Safety and Security Services Department.
  6. Following annual approval, changes made to an individual Emergency Plan during the school year shall be reviewed by the Safety and Security Services Department for appropriateness.
  7. All PGCPS schools and facilities shall practice the following required number and type of emergency drills throughout the school year:
    • Fire Drills – ten (10) per school year
    • Lock Down Drills – four (4) per school year
    • Evacuation – four (4) per school year
    • Reverse Evacuation – one (1) per school year
    • Severe Weather – two (2) per school year
    • Shelter-in-Place – two (2) per school year
    • Drop, Cover and Hold (Earthquake drill) – two (2) per school year
      1. The Safety and Security Services Department shall provide a schedule of required emergency drills at the beginning of the school year, but no later than October 1st.
      2. Upon completion of a required drill, the Principal will complete the Drill Checklist form and submit to the Safety and Security Services Department within 48 hours after completion of the drill verifying compliance with this requirement.
      3. Individuals assigned to the Incident Command Team shall complete the video training annually regarding the implementation of the Emergency Plan between October 1st and October 31st.
      4. School facilities and non-instructional PGCPS facilities shall develop their own emergency These plans shall be updated and submitted to the Safety and Security Services Department no later than October 31st.
      5. Each school facility and non-instructional PGCPS facility shall also practice different drills throughout the school year and upon completion of the drill complete a Drill Checklist form and submit to the Safety and Security Services Department within 48 hours.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

The Department of Safety and Security Services will be responsible for monitoring and compliance with the following procedural requirements:

  1. Review and approve all schools, school facilities, and non- instructional facilities Emergency Plans.
  2. Track compliance with drill practice requirements.
  3. Maintain a list of schools that complied with the Incident Command Team video training and a list of schools that did not comply with the Incident Command Team video Submit the list of non-compliant schools to the Chief of School Support and Leadership.
  4. Conduct a post incident review for each significant event.

VI. Legal References

COMAR 13A.02.02, Emergency Plans.

VII. Related Procedures


VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates with the Department of Safety and Security Services and will be updated as needed.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure supersedes Administrative Procedure 6115 dated October 15, 2000 and supersedes Administrative Procedure 6114.7 dated March 10, 2005.

About This Procedure

Last Revised: December 17, 2019


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