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Administrative Procedure 4216.6 - Volunteer Services

I. Purpose

To establish procedures for the recruitment, screening, orientation, utilization, and recognition of volunteers in the Prince George’s County Public School System and to establish the process for annual evaluations of the site-based and systemwide volunteer programs.

II. Policy

The Board of Education recognizes the necessity and value of successfully engaging community volunteers to provide time and general support that enriches the educational program in each of our schools and assists with individual student achievement. (Board Policy 0106)

The Board of Education has directed the Chief Executive Officer to update this Procedure to enhance student protection and improve community involvement by strengthening protocols for the recruitment, screening and utilization of volunteers at our schools.

III. Definitions

  1. Business Days - Any day in which PGCPS central offices are open.
  2. Principal – Provides leadership in identifying the volunteer needs and is responsible for the overall direction of a volunteer program in the local school or site.
  3. Safety Management System (SMS): An electronic tracking system used to record and communicate employee, volunteer, independent contractor/subcontractor and vendor compliance with PGCPS background check and training requirements. The SMS is used by Principals/supervisors and/or designees to verify compliance data and eligibility status of an employee, volunteer, independent contractor/subcontractor, and/or vendor prior to rendering any services or volunteering within PGCPS.
  4. Site Administrator – Serves as the manager of a school facility other than a school building and provides leadership in identifying the volunteer needs at the site.
  5. Site-Based Volunteer Coordinator – Serves as the principal’s designee in coordinating volunteer program details and providing support to staff members and volunteers. The site-based volunteer coordinator must be a PGCPS employee at the local school or site.
  6. Staff Member – A PGCPS employee that is responsible for directing the work of a volunteer during or throughout a specific volunteer activity.
  7. Volunteer – A person assisting under the direction of a school administrator or teacher to provide a variety of services (e.g., tutoring, mentoring, and/or chaperoning for the students) without financial remuneration from PGCPS and considered to be an important member of the school or site team.

IV. Procedures/Guidelines

  1. Volunteer Recruitment:

    School principals, site administrators, site-based volunteer coordinators, staff members, school-based management teams, parent teacher organizations, and representatives of the business, civic, and religious communities are encouraged to identify current volunteer needs and assist with the recruitment of volunteers.

    Volunteer types include:
    • Parent, Family or Community Member
    • Current or Former Employee
    • Partner Support
    • Student Community Service
  2. Volunteer Application:
    1. All volunteers must complete an online volunteer application. This includes persons who may volunteer as part of a PGCPS partnership organization.
    2. All school volunteers must renew their volunteer application every school year. Once approved, eligibility as an approved volunteer automatically expires on June 30th of each academic year.
    3. PGCPS employees who wish to serve as a volunteer must also complete this volunteer application requirement annually.
  3. Volunteer Screening:
    1. Background Checks - One-Time Volunteers at a School Event:
      1. Volunteers do not have to complete a fingerprint background check, CPS clearance check and SafeSchools training requirements if they are volunteering on campus only one time in a school year for an event, such as career day, book fairs, school dances, etc. A school event for purposes of the one-time volunteer exception does not include a field trip.
      2. While volunteering at the school for the event, volunteers must be escorted and under the supervision of a PGCPS employee at all times. Student escorts may not be provided.
      3. Volunteers under this section who are exempted from completing the background check and training requirements above must still provide a copy of their government issued identification to be signed in as a visitor using the electronic Raptor Visitor Management System, as required by Administrative Procedure 0500, when visiting school property.
      4. If a volunteer wishes to assist with more than one event at a school during the school year, the individual must complete the background check and training requirements below.
    2. Background checks and Training – Individuals Volunteering More Than One Time in a School Year:
      1. As outlined in Administrative Procedure 4215, Criminal History Records Check, all volunteers – including those who serve as field trip chaperones, mentors, interns, tutors, concession stand workers, gate receipt workers, etc. - must undergo a fingerprint background check and child protective services (CPS) clearance at least 15 business days in advance of the volunteer activity, unless the exception below applies.
      2. Fingerprint background checks and CPS clearances must be initiated through the PGCPS Fingerprinting Office before performing duties.
      3. The prospective volunteer must complete the required SafeSchools training modules, including the Prince George’s County Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting.
      4. The Principal or Site-Based Volunteer Coordinator shall verify the eligibility of each volunteer using the Safety Management System (SMS) via Oracle Self-Service. The SMS will indicate if each safety requirement has been completed by volunteer applicants.
      5. Any parent/guardian who needs assistance covering the cost of a fingerprint background check, and whose child(ren) qualify for free and reduced priced meals, may request a waiver of the background check fee by providing a copy of their eligibility letter from the PGCPS Department of Food and Nutrition Services to the Fingerprinting Office.
    3. Background checks and Training– Partner Support Volunteer(s)
      1. An individual or group that wants to provide volunteer services at a local school or site through affiliation with a partner organization or business must be approved by the Office of Partnerships and Development and is considered a Partner Support volunteer(s).
      2. Fingerprint background checks and CPS clearances for all Partner Support Volunteers must be initiated through the PGCPS Fingerprinting Office.
      3. The Partner Support volunteer must complete the online volunteer application and the required SafeSchools training modules, including the Prince George’s County Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting.
      4. The Office of Partnerships and Development shall be responsible for verifying completion of all safety requirements using the SMS via Oracle Self-Service.
      5. A Partner Support volunteer is not allowed to volunteer in a school until the Office of Partnerships and Development has approved the Partnership and the school has received the official documented approval of the Partnership.
    4. Exceptions:
      1. Volunteers do not have to complete a fingerprint background check, CPS clearance check and SafeSchools training requirements if they are volunteering on campus only one time in a school year for an event, as provided under C.1.
      2. Current employees who indicate their employment status on their volunteer application will not have to complete a new background check. The SMS will automatically indicate a current employee’s background check as completed. However, current employees must have completed all required student safety SafeSchools modules assigned to them as an employee prior to any volunteer activity. The Principal or Site-Based Volunteer Coordinator shall verify the completion of these safety requirements by employees using the SMS via Oracle Self-Service.
  4. Ineligibility
    1. As a general guideline, if volunteers have charges, convictions, or concerns that would render them ineligible for employment by PGCPS, they would also not be eligible to serve as a volunteer. PGCPS will not knowingly approve or retain any individual to serve as a volunteer if the individual:
      1. Has been convicted of a crime involving third or fourth degree sexual offense under § 3-307 or § 3-308 of the Criminal Law Article or an offense under the laws of another state that would constitute a violation of § 3-307 or § 3-308 of the Criminal Law Article if committed in Maryland;
      2. Has been convicted of a crime involving child sexual abuse under § 3-602 of the Criminal Law Article, or an offense under the laws of another state that would constitute child sexual abuse under § 3-602 of the Criminal Law Article if committed in Maryland;
      3. Has been convicted of a crime involving a crime of violence as defined in § 14-101 of the Criminal Law Article, or an offense under the laws of another state that would be a violation of § 14-101 of the Criminal Law Article if committed in Maryland;
      4. Has been identified as an alleged abuser or neglector following completion of a Child Protective Services investigation with a finding of “indicated” child abuse or neglect;
      5. Is a former employee who is coded or otherwise flagged as being barred from rehire; or
      6. Is a current employee who is under investigation and prohibited from having unsupervised access to children.
    2. In addition to the crimes listed above, an individual may be found ineligible based on a conviction or pending criminal charge for other crime(s), depending on the nature and frequency of the charge(s); the time elapsed since the crime(s) or charge(s); and other factors that may weigh against assigning the individual to volunteer at PGCPS.
    3. In the event that PGCPS Human Resources determines there is a pending charge, conviction, or other concern disclosed through a background check or child protective service clearance, the designated HR staff shall immediately notify the Chief of Human Resources of the charge, conviction, or concern to determine if the individual is ineligible.
    4. The Chief of Human Resources, or designee, shall notify the school principal to advise the volunteer of their ineligibility to provide volunteer services to PGCPS and change their eligibility status to “NOT ELIGIGIBLE” in the SMS via Oracle Self-Service. Strict confidentiality must be maintained of all information disclosed through any Fingerprint Background Check, or Child Protective Service Clearance.
  5. Orientation and Training
    1. Annual online SafeSchools training and orientation must be completed individually by all volunteers and must include reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect.
    2. Site-based volunteer coordinators will participate in scheduled in-service professional development programs conducted by appropriate school system personnel.
  6. Requirements on PGCPS Property
    1. Volunteers – including current and former employees - must sign in and out of the electronic Raptor Visitor Management System each time they enter and exit schools.
    2. Volunteers must be provided and wear PGCPS identification designating them as volunteers when in schools at all times.
    3. Volunteers who work with students in a school must, at all times, be in the view of others, may not work behind locked doors, and may not work in a room with a closed door without a window or outside of public view.
    4. Volunteers who work in a school shall not:
      1. Use student restrooms;
      2. Date, have sexual relationships, or have inappropriate interactions with students, as outlined in Administrative Procedure 4218 and 4219;
      3. Discipline or threaten to discipline students;
      4. Access confidential student or personnel records; or
      5. Transport or allow students to drive their personal vehicle.
  7. Staff Responsibilities
    1. Principal or Site Administrator:
      • Supervises the site-based volunteer coordinator;
      • Establishes and develops parent and volunteer goals and needs;
      • Ensures that each volunteer understands his/her assignment;
      • Schedules and establishes objectives for volunteers;Maintains records and verifies the eligibility of each volunteer using the SMS via Oracle Self-Service. The SMS will indicate if each safety requirement has been completed by volunteer applicants and ensures that each volunteer has completed all required forms (i.e., Registration Forms, Attendance Forms, etc.); and
      • Notifies volunteers regarding non-compliance.
    2. Site-Based Volunteer Coordinator:
      • Collaborates with principal or site-administrator and staff members to implement an effective and accountable school volunteer program;
      • Assists with recruitment, school-site training and orientation;
      • Maintains volunteer records;
      • Arranges for the recognition of volunteer services at the local school site; and
      • Provides leadership for the evaluation of the local volunteer program.
    3. Staff Member:
      • Works directly with the volunteer and is responsible for cooperatively establishing objectives with the principal/site administrator, the site-based volunteer coordinator, and the volunteer;
      • Coordinates the work of the volunteer in a specific activity and provides appropriate materials; and
      • Assists with ensuring school volunteers work in designated areas for scheduled event, field trips, or activities.
    4. Volunteer:
      • Adheres to Board of Education policies and procedures;
      • Participates in pre-service workshops, site-based orientations and planning sessions;
      • Adheres to agreed upon schedule and duties; and
      • Conforms to school/site rules and regulation.
  8. Program Evaluation
    1. The site-based volunteer coordinator and staff at each site will assist in evaluating its volunteer program (and where applicable, impact on a school’s instructional program), and tracking the attendance of volunteers.
    2. Program guidelines and ways to effectuate a positive volunteer program should be periodically reviewed by principals, site administrators, site based volunteer coordinators, staff members, and when applicable, volunteers. Provisions will be made for volunteers to evaluate the program in which they participated.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

  1. It shall be the primary responsibility of school principals to ensure that any volunteer working at the school has completed the requisite background check requirements and SafeSchools training requirements under this procedure using the SMS via Oracle Self-Service.
  2. Principals shall keep a list for the length of the current school year of all individuals volunteering only one time in the school year for an event at their school site.
  3. Principals shall keep a copy of the documentation provided by the Office of Partnerships and Development indicating the Partnership approval and the names of all the approved partner volunteers for five (5) years.
  4. Principals shall designate a staff member at their school site to serve as the SiteBased Volunteer Coordinator and provide requested school volunteer information to appropriate school system personnel.

VI. Legal Authority

Maryland Code, Criminal Law Article § 3-307, §3-308, §3-602 and §14-101; Education Article section 6-113; COMAR 07.02.07 et seq.

VII. Related Policies and Procedures

VIII. Maintenance and Update of these Procedures

This Administrative Procedure is maintained by the Office of General Counsel and will be updated as needed.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 4216.6, dated August 28, 2018.

X. Effective Date

Last Revised: January 11, 2021


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