This administrative procedure describes the process that the Department of Human Resources Operations and Staffing (HROS) within the Division of Human Resources will use to provide options for eligible employees with permanent restrictions who are unable to safely and effectively perform the essential functions of their position with or without accommodations.
The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) believes that learning and working environments that are safe and supportive are vital for achieving a goal of outstanding academic achievement for all students. The Board is committed to all employees being highly qualified, highly skilled and effective. (Board Policy 0118)
The Individualized Assessment Process
The Individualized Assessment Process is triggered when an employee and/or PGCPS learns of a long-term, ongoing, or permanent restriction, which precludes the employee from performing the essential functions of their respective position, with or without accommodation(s).
Step One
The eligible employee provides the appropriate medical documentation to the Office of Absence Management (for extended leave matters) or the Office of Risk Management (for workers compensation matters) to inform of a medical injury or disability that results in the employee’s long-term, ongoing, or permanent restriction(s) that prohibits the employee from performing the essential functions of their position. Upon review of the medical documentation, the receiving office will determine the restrictions noted by the physician are considered long-term, ongoing, or permanent.
If an eligible employee is unable to report to work due to a long-term, ongoing, or permanent restriction. the employee must notify their immediate supervisor (time approver) of the absence within three (3) business days per PGCPS Administrative Procedure 4132 and/or the relevant negotiated agreement. If this does not occur, the immediate supervisor should enter unpaid leave on the employee’s time card.
(1) Note: The employee is not required to provide medical documentation to the immediate supervisor concerning their diagnosis or prognosis; this documentation should be given to the leave granting office. However, the employee is required to provide the immediate supervisor with a disability/injury note that states how long they must be out of work.
Employees have the right to request reasonable accommodations through Administrative Procedure 4172. The completed form(s) are submitted to and reviewed by the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Administrator in Equity Assurance, part of the Office of General Counsel. Upon review of the employee’s request and the supporting medical documentation, the EEO Administrator may determine that the employee is unable to be approved for reasonable accommodations in the current position due to long-term or permanent restrictions.
Note: Employees are expected to physically report to their worksite locations, as directed, unless they are otherwise in an approved leave status. If an employee is unable to report to work while the case is under review, the employee is required to utilize their accrued/earned leave and follow the established PGCPS absence management leave guidelines unless notified in writing by one of the above offices that another leave option will be utilized. Eligible employees may wish to contact Absence Management to determine their leave options at or call 301-952-6200.
Step Two
Designees from the offices of Absence Management, Risk Management, or Equity Assurance will provide the employee with the relevant and available internal options. (See Frequently Asked Questions – Section V.D. below)
Step Three
If the employee is not eligible to return to work and has exhausted options available through the leave granting office, the Office of Absence Management (for extended leave matters) or the Office of Risk Management (for workers compensation matters) shall refer the employee to HROS to initiate the Individualized Assessment Process.
(1) If an employee has accrued/earned sick leave available, the employee may elect to utilize the earned sick leave during the pendency of the Individualized Assessment Process following the established PGCPS absence management leave guidelines. If the employee has no accrued/earned leave, the employee will be charged unpaid leave in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4132. An employee’s leave may be reviewed for reinstatement at the conclusion of the process.
(2) If the employee reaches maximum medical improvement, or is deemed to have a permanent restriction by either the employee’s health care provider or an Independent Medical Examination, the employee will be referred to HROS for the Individualized Assessment Process.
Step Four
An HROS designee will contact the employee to acknowledge receipt of the referral to the individualized assessment process and to present the options that are available within the process. The employee will be required to provide medical documentation from a licensed physician or other appropriate practitioner which describes the employee’s inability to perform the essential functions of the employee’s position, with or without accommodation(s), as a result of the injury or disability that resulted in the referral to this process.
(1) Note: Employees that submit requests for reasonable accommodations in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4172 will be issued a determination letter to detail the outcome of the request. If the request is denied and the employee is referred to the individualized assessment process, the employee will be granted an opportunity to submit additional documentation for reconsideration of the initial determination issued by the Equity Assurance Office within ten (10) business days of the date of the letter. If the employee does not request reconsideration, the IAP will begin on the eleventh business day; if the employee requests reconsideration, no action will be taken on the IAP referral until a new determination letter is issued. Upon receipt of the final determination letter, if the original decision is upheld and the employee is referred to the IAP, the employee will have an option to appeal the decision or move forward with the IAP.
Step Five
If the employee is interested in placement consideration for current vacant positions within PGCPS, an HROS designee will schedule a Position Assessment Meeting.
During the position assessment meeting, the eligible employee’s resumé and other qualifications or credentials, to include areas of certification, will be reviewed. Additionally, vacant positions that the employee may be eligible and qualified for will be reviewed and discussed with the employee.
If there is a vacant position within PGCPS at the time of the Position Assessment Meeting for which the eligible employee qualifies and that meets the needs of the employee’s restriction, HROS may extend an offer within the specified timeline following the meeting. If the employee declines a valid placement or there are no vacant positions for which the employee qualifies, the HROS designee will refer the employee to continue the process with the next step being Benefits, Retirement, and/or Payroll meetings.
Step Six
If a valid placement is not identified or accepted by the employee in Step Five, HROS will send notification to the employee to contact the following offices: (1) Benefits; (2) Retirement; and (3) Payroll to schedule meetings within ten (10) business days of HROS’s written notification. Meetings within the Benefits Office to discuss benefits and retirement options may occur jointly.
) During the Benefits meeting, the assigned Benefits Coordinator (or designee) will discuss:
) The status of the employee’s benefits;
) The cost of maintaining the employee’s benefits, including long-term disability, if the employee is in an unpaid leave status;
) The employee’s option to utilize the long-term disability benefit, if eligible. The Benefits Office designee will provide the required application and request supporting documentation to be completed and submitted to the Benefits Coordinator within ten (10) calendar days; and
) The Benefits Office designee will provide the employee and HROS with official notice of the meeting, the options discussed, and a summary of the employee’s decision(s).
) During the Retirement meeting, the PGCPS Retirement Coordinator/designee will:
) Discuss the appropriate retirement option(s) with the employee;
) Have the employee complete and submit all necessary documents to the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (MSRPS) within sixty (60) calendar days of the meeting;
) Discuss the timeframe for an initial decision from MSRPS with the employee. If approved, the employee shall proceed with retirement. If denied, the employee will be referred to HROS to schedule the Individualized Assessment Meeting;
) Provide notice of such retirement to HROS; and
) Provide the employee and HROS with official notice of the meeting, the options discussed, and a summary of the employee’s decision(s).
) During the Payroll/Absence Management meeting, the Payroll
Services designee will:
) Discuss the current status of the employee’s leave;
) Discuss the employee’s option to utilize earned sick leave during the pendency of their initial decision from MSRPS. If the employee does not have earned sick leave, the employee will be charged unpaid leave in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4132;
) Discuss the employee’s potential leave payout if the employee decides to resign or is involuntarily terminated; and
) Provide the employee and HROS with official notice of the meeting, the employee’s status, the options discussed, and a summary of the employee’s leave payout eligibility. The employee will have ten (10) business days to affirm their decision, supported with the appropriate paperwork.
The questions below are intended to provide additional guidance for employees, immediate supervisors or the leave granting authority about the Individualized Assessment Process.
What should an employee do if they will be absent for three days or more from their position?
The employee should submit their leave request via Oracle and notify their immediate supervisor. If the employee does not have leave or is unable to submit their leave request via Oracle, the employee should contact their immediate Supervisor regarding approving their leave.
What should an employee do if they are injured on the job?
The employee should contact the Injured Employee Hotline at 1-855-364-9861–prior to seeking medical attention for all work related non-life threatening injuries. After following the reporting protocol in Administrative Procedure 4146.1 – Workers Compensation and Disability Leave, and receiving a worker’s compensation claim number, the employee must inform their immediate supervisor of the injury.
What should an employee do if they are assaulted on the job?
The employee must call the Injured Employee Hotline at 1-855-364-9861 within 24 hours of the incident, to report their work-related injury and file a Workers’ Compensation claim with the Maryland State Workers' Compensation Commission.
The Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)/designee will conduct an annual review of this administrative procedure by randomly selecting at least three (3) employees that participated in the Individualized Assessment Process to ensure that the process is implemented in compliance with this administrative procedure.
Md. Code Ann., St. Gov’t. §§ 20-601, et seq. (Maryland Fair Employment Practices Act (MFEPA))
This Administrative Procedure 4184 originates with the Department of Human Resources Operations and Staffing within the Division of Human Resources, and will be reviewed and updated as necessary.
This administrative procedure supersedes the February 1, 2017, version titled Elections Conference as well as the October 5, 2020, version titled Individualized Assessment Process - Permanent Restrictions.
September 13, 2024