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Administrative Procedure 4156 - Granting of Administrative Leave, Limited Alternative Placement or Temporary Placement for Employees

I. Purpose

To provide procedures regarding the granting of limited alternative placement by the Instructional Director, Department Head, or similar manager and administrative leave or temporary placement of any employee outside of his or her permanent assignment and awaiting administrative action by the Employee and Labor Relations Office.

II. Background

These procedures will allow the Instructional Director, Department Head, or similar manager to assess a request for limited alternative placement and the Employee and Labor Relations Office to assess a request for administrative leave or temporary placement, provide feedback and guidance to management, and monitor and provide timely resolution of pending administrative actions.

III. Definitions

Administrative Leave – Time away from the employee’s regularly scheduled duty location authorized by the Director of Employee and Labor Relations.  Generally, the employee will remain in a paid status and without having to use their own leave, unless determined otherwise by the Director of Employee and Labor Relations.

Limited Alternative Placement– Time away from the employee’s regularly scheduled duty location which is authorized by an Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager.   The employee will be advised to report to a specific PGCPS location for the next 48 hours to allow for the completion of a worksite inquiry. During this time, the employee will remain in a paid status and without having to use their own leave.

Temporary Placement – A placement, authorized by the Director of Employee and Labor Relations, for any employee at a location outside of his or her permanent assignment and awaiting administrative action by the Employee and Labor Relations Office.

IV. Procedures

  1. Requests for Limited Alternative Placement
    The following procedures shall be followed when a Principal, or similar manager, is concerned that an employee may need to be placed on limited alternative placement in order to protect students (and/or other individuals) and await completion of a worksite inquiry.
    1. In situations that may warrant immediate removal of the employee from the worksite, the Principal or similar manager will contact the Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager to recommend a limited alternative placement.
    2. Generally, a limited alternative placement should only be recommended when the allegation involves a physical altercation, similar incident of a serious nature, pending criminal charge, an allegation of a sexual or discriminatory nature, or incident that causes concern for the safety of students, coworkers and/or other individuals
    3. The Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager will review the recommendation for limited alternative placement and advise the requesting manager accordingly.  The Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager may consult with ELRO, if he or she has questions regarding the seriousness of the allegation when considering the request.
    4. When a limited alternative placement is granted, the requesting manager will ensure that the affected employee is advised to report to a specific PGCPS location to allow for the completion of a worksite inquiry or until advised otherwise by the Employee and Labor Relations Office.  However, while in a limited alternative placement, staff will be required to continue with lesson planning, entering grades in the Student Information System (SIS) and/or helping in an alternate work location, as appropriate.
    5. During the 48 hours following an occurrence of an incident, the Principal or similar manager shall conduct a worksite inquiry and gather information from all parties involved.  If the incident or knowledge of an incident comes to the attention of the principal on a Friday afternoon, then the work site inquiry will begin on the following Monday morning.

      Specifically, the Principal or manager will complete the work site inquiry by obtaining the following information: 
      1. Written statement from accuser;
      2. Written statement from accused employee;
      3. Witness written statements;
      4. Any pictures, videos, or other relevant information; and
      5. Review of the employee’s work history, including any pertinent documents.
    6. A worksite inquiry shall be conducted within 48 hours of the alleged incident by the Principal.   If an oral report regarding suspected child abuse has been made to CPS, information obtained through a worksite inquiry may be used to complete the CPS reporting form (PS-60) and submit to CPS within 48 hours of the occurrence of the situation giving rise to the suspicion of abuse.
    7. Upon receipt of the completed worksite inquiry conducted by the principal, resolution of an immediate threat, and/or receipt of any screening results from Child Protective Services (CPS),  the Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager will have up to an additional 48 hours to determine if the employee should be returned to his/her  regularly scheduled duty location or if the results of the inquiry warrant a recommendation for a request for administrative leave or temporary placement to the Director of Employee and Labor Relationss.
  2. Requests for Administrative Leave or Temporary Placement
    1. In situations that warrant a request for administrative leave or temporary placement, the Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager will contact the Director of Employee and Labor Relations to request administrative leave or temporary placement.
    2. Generally, administrative leave or temporary placement should only be requested when the allegation involves a physical altercation, similar incident of a serious nature, an allegation of a sexual or discriminatory nature, pending criminal charge or incident that causes concern for the safety of students, coworkers and/or other individuals.
    3. Requests for administrative leave or temporary placement shall be made within 48 hours upon receipt of the completed worksite inquiry and should include:
      1. ) Request for Administrative Leave/Temporary Placement;
      2. ) Request for Special Investigation by the Department of Security Services (see conditions for special investigations under B.4 below);
      3. ) Copy of the report to Child Protective Services (if warranted);
      4. ) Summary of the incident by the Principal or similar manager;
      5. ) Copy of the written statement by the accuser;
      6. ) Copy of the written statement by the accused employee;
      7. ) Copy of all written witness statements;
      8. ) Copy of all other pertinent documentation or evidence (i.e. police reports, videos, employee’s work history, etc.).
    4. Requests for Special Investigations by the Department of Security Services should be made for the following:
        1. ) Allegations that could result in discipline against the involved employee resulting in suspension, demotion, termination or other serious discipline.
        2. ) Allegations of child abuse being investigated by the Department of Social Services, Child Protective Services.
        3. ) Open matters involving criminal investigations by a law enforcement agency.
        4. ) Other matters deemed appropriate by the Director of Security Services in consultation with the Employee and Labor Relations Office and General Counsel, and/or at the direction of the Superintendent or designee.
            The final determination with regard to investigative assignment will rest with the Director of Security Services.
    5. The Director of Employee and Labor Relations will review the request for administrative leave or temporary placement, and may request additional information, consult with the Department of Security Services, or take other action to appropriately assess the request.
    6. The Director of Employee and Labor Relations will advise the requesting Instructional Director, Department Head or similar manager of the decision regarding administrative leave or temporary placement as soon as possible.
  3. Responses to Leave Requests
    1. When a request for administrative leave or temporary placement is approved, the Employee and Labor Relations Office will notify the affected employee via official correspondence regarding the placement on administrative leave or temporary placement. This correspondence will instruct the employee accordingly, including refraining from being on PGCPS property while on administrative leave, and detailing the administrative process to be followed by the Employee and Labor Relations Office.
    2. While on administrative leave or temporary placement, instructional staff will be required to continue with lesson planning, entering grades into the SIS and/or assisting in the alternative work location, as appropriate.
    3. When a request for administrative leave or temporary placement is denied, the Director of Employee and Labor Relations will notify the requesting manager, Instructional Director, and the Associate Superintendent who will inform the Principal to notify the employee that he/she may return to his/her regularly scheduled duty location, pending the outcome of any disciplinary or other action to be taken. 
    4. The Employee and Labor Relations Office will coordinate with the Department of Security Services regarding the status of any request for special investigation and final Security Report.
    5. The Employee and Labor Relations Office will address all administrative actions within thirty (30) days of receiving the special investigation security report from the Department of Security Services..

V. Related Policies and Procedures

VI. Maintenance and Update of This Administrative Procedure

This Administrative Procedure originates from the Employee and Labor Relations Office and will be updated as necessary.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure supersedes and cancels the version dated August 8, 2017.

VIII. Effective Date

July 1, 2024


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