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Administrative Procedure 4134 - Non-Local Travel

I. Purpose

To provide procedures for authorizing and reimbursing employees on official Non-Local Travel for school system business.

II. Information

Travel for business should be conducted at a minimum cost for achieving the success of the mission. Travelers shall request reservations as far in advance as possible and shall utilize the lowest logical air/rail fares available. All official business travel funded through appropriated sources is subject to the requirements of this Procedure. Travel guidelines are intended to facilitate travel arrangements; to provide reimbursement for all necessary expenses; and to protect employees against the risk of loss, while simultaneously maintaining the necessary controls for accountability.

III. Definitions

The following definitions apply to the content of this Administrative Procedure

  1. Non-Local Travel: Travel expenses and other costs incident to the attendance at conferences, seminars, conventions or meetings which require the traveler to be in a travel status one or more nights outside of Prince George’s County, and the surrounding Baltimore/Washington metropolitan area.
  2. Approving Authority: Account Managers, Principals, Directors, Chiefs, Chief Executive Officer (or his/her respective delegates) serve as approving authorities for travel. All Non-Local Travel Request forms MUST have the final approval of the Division Chief as appropriate, for employees under their supervision. Chiefs submitting travel must have approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Travel outside the contiguous United States (CONUS) requires the final approval of the Chief Executive Officer.1
  3. Standard Mileage Rate: The rate established by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to calculate reimbursement for operating a personal vehicle for business miles driven. Given this rate changes periodically, notification of change will be made by Bulletin as updated by the IRS. PGCPS will update the rate change automatically in Oracle i- Expense. 1 The contiguous United States (CONUS) consists of the 48 adjoining U.S. states (plus Washington, D.C.) on the continent of North America.

IV. Responsibilities

  1. Travel applicants:
    1. Submit Non-Local Travel Requests that are timely, accurate, and complete, including all necessary attachments, in order to obtain approval and/or reimbursement.
    2. Utilize the approved Travel Services Contractor (see page 7).
    3. Ensure that expenses are reasonable and necessary.
    4. Ensure funds are available within their school/department budget.
    5. Use sound judgment and advance planning to minimize expenses and timely processing of travel requests.
    6. When traveling with students, please refer to Administrative Procedure 6153 Student Trips.
    7. Maintain receipts for reimbursable expenses incurred during business travel.
    8. Submit travel reimbursement requests (via Oracle i-Expense) within 15 business days upon return from travel. Reimbursable expenses incurred during business travel require receipts and must be attached in i-Expense
    9. Internal Audit will periodically conduct a sample audit of business travel expenses. If discrepancies are sited, the employee will have 30 days to reimburse PGCPS for an unallowable expense or PGCPS will take action to recover funds from the employee’s paycheck.
  2. PGCPS departments and school finance staff members:
    1. Ensure compliance with the provisions of this Procedure by confirming the availability of funding.
    2. Verify the allowability of expenses.
    3. Ensure the completeness and accuracy of the non-local travel information provided. Attach all quotes, itineraries, and meeting details.
    4. Retain financial records, including copies of receipts, according to document retention schedules.
  3. Approving authorities:
    1. Ensure compliance with the provisions of this Procedure by determining whether travel, for which approval is sought, is essential to the effective operation of Prince George’s County Public Schools and whether expenses are reasonable and necessary.
    2. Account Manager must verify the availability of funds.
  4. Business Operations and Purchasing and Supply Services Departments:
    1. Ensure compliance with the provisions of this Procedure by overseeing the financial aspects of the travel program.
    2. Monitor contractor performance and unit compliance.
    3. Ensure prompt payment of authorized official travel expenses.
    4. Retain financial records, including scanned receipts, according to document retention schedules.

V. Non-Local Travel

  1. General
    1. Non-Local Travel Approval: ALL Non-Local travel requires the prior approval of authorized account managers, Chief/Associate Superintendent and the FINAL approval of either the Chief of Staff, Deputy Superintendents, and Chief Operating Officer. School based employees attending out of county trips that require an overnight stay with students must fill out a Non-Local Travel Request form.
    2. Completing the Non-Local Travel Request: Requests to travel must be approved at least 15 business days prior to departure. It is the traveler’s responsibility to make arrangements for travel, utilizing the school systems approved travel service contractor. The employee must contact the approved travel service contractor for all hotel, airfare, or train arrangements in accordance with policies and procedures to secure the best possible rates. Submit and attach travel service quote, agendas, itineraries, registrations, etc., with the Non-Local Travel Request for approval. Upon submission of the Non-Local Travel Request the traveler will prepare a requisition in Oracle to the travel service contractor for transportation and hotel accommodations at the quoted price. A requisition (marked pre-pay) for conference registration must also be generated. All conference registration must be issued directly to the conference sponsor in the exact amount. The requisition(s) will be processed once the approved Non-Local Travel Request has been received in Purchasing. The travel service contractor will be notified by the Purchasing Department of the approval to travel and book reservations accordingly.
    3. Financial Obligation: The traveler must obtain prior approval consistent with the provisions of this Procedure before incurring ANY financial obligations on behalf of PGCPS and, in all cases, prior to departure. Any financial obligations incurred by the traveler prior to receiving final approval by either the Chief of Staff, Deputy Superintendent(s), or Chief Operating Officer may become the responsibility of the traveler.
    4. Travel Reimbursement: Upon employee’s return from business travel, reimbursement of expenses incurred while on travel status must be submitted using the i-Expense Non-Local Travel template, within 15 business days. Employees will not be reimbursed for expenditures that were incurred in a prior fiscal year. Employee’s traveling in June must follow the Financial Year End Close bulletin procedures and due dates. The bulletin is communicated annually in March.
    5. Leave: While on approved business travel, leave should be submitted by the employee to their leave granting authority, as usual. Approved business travel related leave is typically classified as Other Professional Leave. Annual leave should be submitted for additional days off, when extending beyond the official business trip for personal reasons. Refer to Administrative Procedure 4132 Timekeeping and Leave Reporting.
  2. Allowable & Unallowable Expenses
    1. Registration Fees: Registration fees related to attendance at conferences, seminars, conventions, training, or similar events is allowed.
    2. Lodging: The school systems approved travel service contractor is to be utilized to ensure the best available rates are achieved. Hotels with a 2-3 star rating are offered first and are preferred. The allowed length of stay starts the night before the first meeting, with check out on the last day of the meeting, unless the last meeting ends too late for the employee to return home that day. The following exceptions may justify accommodations at a hotel facility other than the type described above (2-3 star rating).
           a. Location and proximity to the event;
           b. Safety of employee;
           c. Excessive parking fees; and
           d. Special pricing arrangements through the event organizers. When the above exceptions do not apply and a traveler chooses to stay at a more expensive hotel, they are required to pay the difference.
      When lodging is shared with another person not on official business travel for PGCPS, the employee shall be reimbursed only for the cost that would have been incurred if the employee had stayed alone in the same hotel/motel. If an employee decides to extend their stay while in travel status, the employee must pay any additional room charges, meals, airfare, or other transportation costs, etc.
    3. Airlines: Baggage fees charged by airlines will be reimbursable at one bag per traveler upon return from travel, with a receipt.
    4. Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) Per Diem: Employees will receive a travel advance for meals and incidentals. Receipts are not required for per diem meals and incidental expenses. Receipts for additional meal reimbursement over the approved per diem rate will not be authorized. M&IE allowance must be adjusted for meals furnished to an employee at a conference or as part of registration costs.
           a. M&IE Breakdown:
                Breakfast $7
                Lunch $11
                Dinner $23
                Incidentals2 $5
             Standard Meal & Incidentals (including tax & tip) = $46.00 per day.
             2 Incidentals: Fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, and hotel maids, etc.

                Requesting meals on arrival/departure travel days:
        Breakfast Lunch Dinner
      First day of travel
      Leaving home before 6 AM Yes Yes Yes
      Leaving home between 6 AM and noon No Yes Yes
      Leaving home after noon No No Yes
      Last day of travel      
      Arriving home before noon Yes No No
      Arriving home between noon and 7 PM Yes Yes No
      Arriving home after 7 PM Yes Yes Yes
    5. Transportation: Travelers are required to use the most economical mode(s) of transportation during non-local travel. All airline, train, and hotel reservations shall be arranged by the approved travel service contractor. Mileage reimbursement is allowed for employees utilizing personal vehicles for official business travel. Mileage is calculated from the employee’s departure location (home or office). Mileage will be reimbursed at the prevailing IRS standard mileage rate; employees will be notified of rate under separate bulletin. When use of a privately owned vehicle is authorized for destinations in excess of 200 miles from departure location, a statement of justification for such use must be included. Examples of acceptable justification are:
      1. Two or more employees will travel together in one vehicle; resulting in a lower total cost than if they traveled by common carrier.
      2. An automobile is needed to perform official duties at the destination, and use of a privately owned vehicle is determined to be more economical than travel by common carrier.
      3. Authorization for use of a privately owned vehicle in lieu of a common carrier for the employee’s benefit is allowed, provided that the total cost including mileage does not exceed the round-trip advance purchase for airfare, or train. In such cases, reimbursement for lodging and subsistence during the travel time is limited to the amount that would have been reimbursed had travel been by air or rail. A quote from travel service agent must be attached in order for management to determine costing implications.
      4. Rental cars shall be used only when it is proven cost effective. Justification and prior authorization must be obtained.
    6. Advances: PGCPS no longer issues advances to travelers with the exception of per diem for meals and incidental expenses at the established rate.
    7. Employee Reimbursement: Reimbursement upon return from travel for ground transportation (to/from airport, train station) costs is allowed. Receipts are required for parking fees, and ground transportation.3 These fees will be reimbursed upon the traveler’s return. If an exception for rental car is approved in advance, reimbursement may be requested for economy class vehicles and related fuel. Insurance on rental cars will not be reimbursed.
      1. Employees traveling on official business shall exercise due care and prudence when incurring expenses. If expenses exceed the provisions of the Procedure, reimbursement may be adjusted or denied.
      2. Expenses that are not reimbursable:
        1. In room movies at hotel;
        2. Alcoholic beverages, Mini Bars;
        3. Laundry and valet services;
        4. Membership fees for airline and frequent flyer clubs;
        5. Memberships for health clubs;
        6. Hotel club/spa memberships;
        7. Incremental costs of double versus single occupancy rates when a spouse or guest accompanies the employee;
        8. Excessive baggage charges for personal luggage;
        9. Pet care;
        10. Hotel charges associated with cancellation where reasonable actions were not taken to avoid such charges;
        11. Air flight and travel insurance unless procured for international travel related to a field trip;
        12. Loss of personal funds and property;
        13. Parking tickets or traffic violations;
        14. Clothing/personal items;
        15. Airline upgrades or priority seating fees;
        16. Childcare expenses;
        17. Expenses for spouse or guest;
        18. Special events, entertainment, tours, etc. sponsored by the conference;
        19. Internet fees for personal use; and
        20. Personal telephone calls.
          3 When an original receipt is not available, official proof of fee or fare (e.g., printed schedule from web site, charge card statement, etc.) will be accepted.
  3. Non-Local Travel Services
    1. Travel Service Contractor: A contract has been established for business travel related services to Prince George's County public schools and offices. The approved travel services contractor will reserve all hotel, airfare, and train transportation at the most economical price possible. The travel service will not process reservations until an approved Non-Local Travel Request and requisition has been fully executed. The traveler is responsible for making all arrangements for taxi, shuttle, registrations, and meals.
      1. All trip cancellations, changes and partially used tickets must be immediately reported to the travel service contractor, for both a trip cancellation and a partially used ticket. If a cancellation occurs and a credit is issued, the employee or department must utilize that credit within that fiscal year. Purchasing Services will be provided a report quarterly of outstanding credits held by the travel service contractor (if any) to be resolved and utilized before fiscal year end. Questions regarding travel credits and the related purchase order should be addressed to Purchasing Services at 301-952-6562.
      2. Employees who change their tickets or other travel arrangements for personal reasons, or lose tickets, shall be responsible for paying any associated costs.
    2. Travel Service Agent: To obtain a quote for travel, contact the PGCPS travel team at Globetrotters Travel:
      Travel Team for PGCPS: 301-570-0800
      Lead Travel Consultants:

      PRESS 1 to reach first available agent or call individual extensions

      Cindy Treta ext.122
      Kathleen Betancourt ext. 222
      Debbie Teed ext. 121
      Darlene Hunt ext. 124
      Dina Averno ext.116

      Manager-Air Travel Operation: Kimberly Noppenberger
      Phone: (301) 570-0800, ext. 123
      Normal Operation Hours: M-F, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM Eastern Time
      Emergency Travel Helpline: 800-639-9278
      Use only between the hours of 5:31 PM and 7:59 AM Eastern Time for airline emergencies. $25.00 Service fee applies if used for non-emergencies. Give VIT (Very Important Traveler) code: S9TX5. For official PGCPS travel give profile name: PGCPS.
      For a complete list of services and contacts, see Attachment #2.

VI. Related Policies and Procedures

VII. Maintenance and Update of these Procedures

These procedures originate with the Chief Financial Officer and the Purchasing Department and will be updated as necessary.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 4134, dated May 15, 2015.

IX. Effective Date

Last Revised: October 19, 2018
