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Administrative Procedure 4104 - Role and Responsibilities of the Guidance Counselor

I. Purpose

To define the purpose and responsibilities of guidance counselors and to provide information on the implementation of the developmental guidance and counseling program.

II. Background

State Guidelines mandate that all students have access to guidance and counseling services. A comprehensive, curriculum based, developmental guidance and counseling program enhances academics as well as provides students with opportunities for personal growth. It is proactive and preventative in its focus. It assists students in acquiring life-long learning skills. It is accountable and can demonstrate effectiveness.

III. Definitions

Counseling is a process of helping people by assisting them in making decisions and changing behavior. School counselors work with all students, school staff, families, and members of the community as an integral part of the education program. School guidance and counseling programs promote school success through a focus on academic achievement, prevention and intervention activities, advocacy, and support with social/emotional issues.

IV. Procedures

The Guidance and Counseling Services Department recommends in accordance with ASCA (American School Counseling Association) that school counselors spend 70% of their time in direct service to students. Indirect services include counseling program planning, maintenance and evaluation, participation in school site planning and implementation, partnerships and alliances with schools, businesses and community agencies, and other tasks, which enhance the mission of the program.

The mission of the Prince George’s County Guidance and Counseling Services Program is to assist and encourage self-understanding and responsible selfdirection in all students, from kindergarten through satisfactory completion of diploma requirements. As such, the Guidance and Counseling Services Program serves a unique and necessary function in the educational process. It is a coordinated effort involving home, school, and community.

  1. The guidance and counseling program is based on the following goals and objectives:
    1. Goal 1: The Guidance and Counseling Services Program will facilitate the personal and academic growth of all students.
      • Objective 1.1: Students will understand all facets of their school environment.
      • Objective 1.2: Students will understand their own individual rights and responsibilities.
      • Objective 1.3: Students will demonstrate effective study skills.
      • Objective 1.4: Students will engage in appropriate classroom behavior.
    2. Goal 2: The Guidance and Counseling Services Program will ensure the development of educational and career decision-making skills of all students.
      • Objective 2.1: Students will comprehend their aptitudes, interests and experiences as related to their own career development.
      • Objective 2.2: Students will apply the steps of decisionmaking to any situation.
      • Objective 2.3: Students will analyze various careers that are appropriate to their aptitudes, interests, and experiences.
      • Objective 2.4: Students will identify appropriate career opportunities.
      • Objective 2.5: Students will select the most relevant education or vocational training program, or both.
      • Objective 2.6: Students will demonstrate useful employment keeping skills.
    3. Goal 3: The Guidance and Counseling Services Program will promote the development of interpersonal skills among students.
      • Objective 3.1: Students will understand the effect of their behavior on others.
      • Objective 3.2: Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills.
      • Objective 3.3: Students will possess knowledge of skills for resolving interpersonal conflicts.
    4. Goal 4: The Guidance and Counseling Services Program will provide services to the school community, which will facilitate the growth and learning of all students.
      • Objective 4.1: The school community will understand students develop emotionally and academically.
      • Objective 4.2: The school community will be informed of community resources, which will enhance student development.
      • Objective 4.3: The counselor will continue to grow professionally.
  2. The type of services provided by counselors should include:
    1. Consultation – Parent/teacher conferences, staff development, parent education, and as a liaison with community resources.
    2. Direct Counseling Services- small group counseling and individual counseling.
    3. Guidance Services- Classroom guidance and skill building groups.
    4. Appraisal/Evaluation- formative and summative (ongoing, mid-year and end of year program evaluation).
  3. To accomplish the goals of the Guidance and Counseling Services Program, each counselor is required to develop a clearly defined guidance and counseling plan, which includes strategies for systematic implementation and identified indicators for accountability. Program Evaluation includes both formative and summative data. A form, Department of Guidance and Counseling Services Guidance Plan, is provided by the Department of Guidance and Counseling Services.
  4. Counselors in PGCPS are provided with the tools for the implementation of a developmental guidance and counseling program. Essential curriculum materials are The Elementary Counselor’s Developmental Program Handbook, The Equity 2000 Elementary Counselor: A Resource Guide (draft), The Middle School Counselor’s Curriculum (draft) and Activity Resource Guide (draft), The Social Skills Activity Packet (draft), and the High School Curriculum (draft), Guidance and Counseling Supplement for Special Needs Students (draft), and the International Student Guidance Office (ISGO) Resource List.
  5. After consultation with the school administration, school based management team and utilization of needs assessments, as appropriate, the counselor should establish the priorities for their school’s guidance and counseling program within the goals and objectives of the PGCPS Department of Guidance and Counseling Services and major initiatives such as Equity 2000 and the Comer School Development Process.
  6. As a part of the guidance and counseling plan, counselors must develop the strategies and activities that support the guidance and counseling goals and these are evaluated by the indicators established by the counselor. While a school counseling program must put emphasis on developmental skill building, as outlined in the counselors’ guidance and counseling plan, a counselor must have some flexibility within which to respond to crises. Students, parents, and staff must be assured that they can be seen in a timely manner. Consideration should be given to allowing for some flexibility in a counselor’s workday. This flexibility can increase utilization of the counselor as well as improving the effectiveness of the counseling intervention.
  7. The counselor works in cooperation with the administration of the school, but in order to establish and maintain helping relationships, the counselor should not be cast in an administrative, clerical, or punitive role. Some examples of appropriate and inappropriate activities of counselors are indicated below:

    Appropriate Tasks and Responsibilities For Counselors Inappropriate Tasks and Responsibilities For Counselors
    provide pertinent information to accommodate student needs in the design of the master schedule developing and updating master schedule
    recommend appropriate class change and placement to the administration authorizing class change and completing data process forms
    furnishing information concerning student’s program and placement coordinating of data processing or being involved in the technical aspects, i.e., completion of data processing forms
    being aware of students academic progress and taking appropriate action being responsible for the completion of report cards
    supervising the registrar/ guidance secretary in the maintenance and accuracy of student records at their level  doing the clerical work in maintaining a student’s record
    supporting the administration of testing program by assisting in test taking preparation, interpreting test results and providing input effecting necessary curriculum changes for student progress serving as coordinator of county testing programs
    assisting in the completion of forms required in the registration and placement of students gathering required administrative reports or information (i.e., federal census cards, transportation)
    identifying causes for disruptive behavior and counseling for behavior determining punitive action in discipline cases
    working with students having attendance problems to identify causes and effect improvement making daily attendance calls
    providing consultation to classroom teacher on classroom management assuming full responsibility for improvements in classroom management
    being available in the Guidance and Counseling Office before school, during lunch and after school when students/teachers are free to make appointments or have conferences. In addition, counselors should be able to frequent the cafeteria/playground during student lunches for information, observation, and interaction being permanently assigned to duties (i.e., breakfast, lunch, bus) which prohibit counselors from being free to counsel
    students/teachers when students/teachers are free of class assignments
    being fully involved in implementing the Basic Developmental Guidance and Counseling Services Program. This program completely planned and carried out fully utilizes the counselor’s skills, energies and time being used as a substitute teacher
    issuing from the Guidance and Counseling Office notices and communications that are directly concerned with Guidance and Counseling Services and activities (i.e., career/ college visitation and testing, career information, financial aid information) issuing from the guidance office administrative notices (i.e., deadline for failure notices, final exam schedule)
    serving as part of a team that shares responsibility for gathering information such as the special education classroom observations taking full responsibility for interdisciplinary special education classroom observations
    providing classroom guidance lessons to all students, in the presence of their teacher, so that skills can be reinforced between guidance lessons mandating classroom guidance schedules which limit access of some students to the counselor and inhibits the teacher’s ability to participate and reinforce the skills taught
    providing support for academic programs through the Developmental Guidance and Counseling Curriculum lessons scheduling the counselor as instructional personnel, (i.e., TAG teacher/coordinator)
    providing guidance and counseling support to students, staff, and community of another school in the event of a crisis being used for substitute coverage for funerals
    providing referral information to parents regarding nonschool mental health services as appropriate requesting parents to seek nonschool mental health services

  8. School counselor positions are approved by the Board of Education and as such cannot be reconfigured into another position at the school level.
  9. If difficulties are encountered in following these guidelines, a conference involving the counselor specialist and appropriate school personnel will be held.

V. Related Policies and Procedures

  • None.

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates with the Division of Pupil Services and will be updated as needed.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

None. This is a new Administrative Procedure.

VIII. Effective Date

July 1, 1999.

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 1999


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