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Administrative Procedure 4101 - Request for Reclassification of an Existing Position

I. Purpose

To document the procedures for approval of a reclassification of an existing authorized position after the beginning of the fiscal year’s approved budget has been adopted. This Administrative Procedure will only apply to requests submitted during the period of July 1 to October 31 of the current fiscal year. Actions proposed after October 31 should be submitted as part of the next fiscal year’s budget submission. Exceptions may be granted with CEO approval.

II. Policy

The Board of Education is committed to providing systemic oversight and evaluation of schools and offices to ensure transparency, efficiency, improved resource allocation and accountability within the school system. The Board is committed to all employees being highly qualified, highly skilled and effective. (Board Policy 0118)

III. Background

From time to time, it may become necessary for Account Managers to request to reclassify an existing position within their organization to meet revised requirements of the organization. This procedure describes the necessary steps required to facilitate the request effectively and efficiently for this type of action within the Human Resources Information System. It should be noted that, as a standard process, a request to reclassify a position should be part of the next fiscal year’s budget request and should not occur prior to the beginning of a new fiscal year. It is recognized, however, that there may be exceptions and this administrative procedure is designed to address necessary exceptions.

IV. Definitions

  1. Account Manager – An executive level employee who is assigned financial decision-making responsibilities to include budget formulation, execution, and control of funds and positions.
  2. Incumbent – Person currently occupying existing position.
  3. Reclassify a Position – A position description exists for a current position, however, due to changes or adjusted work requirements of the organization, the position description no longer is applicable.

V. Procedures

  1. When an Account Manager or the Chief Human Resources Officer (or designee) determines that it is necessary to reclassify a position to support the mission of the organization or correct inequities, he/she should request from the Human Resources, Compensation and Classification Office, a Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ).
  2. Upon completion of the form, the following information should be submitted to the Chief of the Division to which the Account Manager reports:
    1. Completed Position Description Questionnaire.
    2. Justification for the position reclassification to include an approval of the funding source for any additional salary and benefit requirements caused by the reclassification of the position.
  3. The Chief of the Division should forward the submitted documentation, noting his/her support of the request to reclassify the position, to the Compensation and Classification Office.
  4. The Compensation and Classification Office shall review all documentation to determine the eligibility of the requested action.
    1. If the request is to reclassify the position, is approved, the existing position will be eliminated and the incumbent in that position will be required to apply for any posted position deemed eligible through the competitive process. Upon written approval by the Chief Executive Officer, an exception to this provision may be made in the event the reclassification of a position is to correct a systemic error, inequity or negotiated agreement requirement.
    2. The Account Manager should be aware that if the incumbent employee(s) is not selected through the competitive process, it will be the responsibility of the Account Manager to support the incumbent’s salary by using discretionary funds and the existing position would be deemed “over hired” for the balance of the current fiscal year, if the action taken is outside of the budget process.
    3. If at the end of the fiscal year, the incumbent in the “over hired” position has not secured another position, the incumbent will be subject to provisions under the applicable negotiated agreement unless retention of the position remains.
    4. After review, if it is determined that the position is correctly classified at the existing grade, the submission will be denied and returned to the requestor with no further action.
  5. If the request is approved by the Compensation and Classification Office the request will be forwarded to the Chief of Human Resources and Chief Financial Officer for final review and approval or denial.
  6. If approved, the Chief of Human Resources and Chief Financial Officer will forward all documentation to the Position Review Committee for processing.

VI. Monitoring and Compliance

  1. Human Resources and Budget and Management Services will review a sample set of position review requests annually to ensure the procedures set forth in this Administrative Procedure have been followed.
  2. The CEO's written exception/waiver will be maintained with the Compensation and Classification Office as part of their revised position description. In addition, a copy will be forwarded to Budget and Management Services to maintain on file for the change of the position in the business management financial system.

VII. Related Policies and Procedures

  • None.

VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This procedure originates with Human Resources and will be updated as necessary.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 4101 dated September 21, 2020.

X. Effective Date

November 23, 2020

About This Procedure

Last Revised: November 23, 2020


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