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Administrative Procedure 2815 - Restroom Repairs and Daily Inspections During School Hours

I. Purpose

To provide guidelines for the repairs and daily inspections of restrooms at school facilities during school hours to ensure the safety of all students.

II. Procedures

  1. All requests for repairs to restroom facilities during the school day will be conducted as follows:
    1. Building Services personnel will report to the school, sign in and notify school staff they are there to make repairs in a restroom.
    2. If Building Services personnel are accompanied by a Maintenance Helper, they will proceed to the location. If Building Services personnel are not accompanied by a Maintenance Helper, the Building Supervisor or designee will accompany Building Services personnel to the restroom for repairs.
    3. The restroom will be closed by the placement of signs reading “Closed.”
    4. If a student ignores the signage and enters the restroom, Building Services personnel and the Building Supervisor or designee will leave the restroom immediately and notify an  administrator.
    5. 5. Upon completion of the repair, Building Services personnel will sign out and notify school staff of their departure.
  2. Continued daily inspections of restroom facilities by custodial staff will be conducted as follows:
    1. The custodial staff will announce themselves before entering a restroom facility. Staff will not enter until the restroom is clear of students.
    2. The restroom will be closed by the placement of signs reading “Closed.”
    3. If a student ignores the signage and enters the restroom, the Custodial staff will leave the restroom immediately and notify an administrator.

III. Related Policies and Procedures


IV. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates from the Office of Chief of Supporting Services and will be updated as necessary

V. Cancellations and Supersedures

None, this is a new Administrative Procedure.

VI. Effective Date

May 1, 2016

About This Procedure

Last Revised: May 1, 2016


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