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Administrative Procedure 2805.5 - Vehicle Accident Reporting

I. Purpose

To provide Administrative Procedures for the reporting of accidents involving school system vehicles.

II. Policy

The Board of Education is committed to delivering safe and efficient transportation services to eligible student riders. (Policy 3541) The Board of Education also requires the proper and responsible use of vehicles by its employees to ensure their safety and the safety of others. (Policy 3545)

III. Background

Accident reporting is a requirement of Maryland law and for insurance purposes. In order to provide effective administrative control of those operating the motor vehicle fleet, it is necessary to have accurate statistical data and to have all accidents reported.

IV. Definitions

  1. Accident – An occurrence or action involving a driver of a school vehicle or an assigned vehicle operated by or under contract to a local school system, which results in an injury or fatality to an individual or damage to a motor vehicle or property.
  2. Assigned Vehicles - Vehicles that are allocated by Central Garage Services to Departments within Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS)and are dispatched/assigned and controlled by those Departments.
  3. Authorized User – For purposes of this Administrative Procedure:
    1. Authorized Users are employed by PGCPS as full-time, part-time, seasonal, or contractual employees, authorized to drive Board vehicles;
    2. Authorized Users must possess a valid driver’s license issued by the user’s state or territory of residence within the United States of America; and
    3. Authorized Users must operate only a class of vehicle for which he or she has been approved in accordance with their driver’s license and assigned by their Department.
  4. Central Garage Services (CGS) – A unit within the PGCPS Department of Transportation responsible for managing the PGCPS fleet and related equipment.
  5. Motor Vehicle Fleets – PGCPS has two motor vehicle fleets. One fleet consists of all of the school vehicles and another fleet consists of all of the assigned vehicles.
  6. School Vehicles – Any motor vehicle that is used regularly for the exclusive transportation of children, students, or teachers for educational purposes or in connection with a school activity.

V. Procedures

The following guidelines are to be followed for accidents that involve vehicles owned and/or operated by the Prince George's County Public Schools’ System.

  1. Responsibilities at Accidents Involving School Vehicles:
    1. The first responsibility of the bus driver is to notify the Transportation Office of the accident by two-way radio immediately. This applies to all accidents regardless of the amount of damage or location of the accident. The Transportation Office will immediately contact the local police department for assistance at the scene of the accident.
    2. Following the communication, the bus driver must attend to the welfare of any individual who has been injured.
    3. The bus driver must take all reasonable steps to minimize the possibility that the accident scene will contribute to a further accident by placing emergency flags and/or flares in appropriate locations around the accident.
    4. The bus driver must also notify the school in which the students on the bus attend.
    5. Vehicles cannot be removed from the scene of an accident until the police have completed their investigation and granted permission for the removal of the vehicles
    6. The bus driver must cooperate in the investigation of the accident.
  2. Responsibilities at Accidents Involving Assigned Vehicles
    1. The first responsibility of the authorized user is to call the local police department.
    2. The second responsibility of the authorized user is to notify his/her immediate supervisor and then the Safety and Security Services Department.
    3. The authorized user must also obtain the other party’s name, address, phone number, tag number, make and model of the other vehicle and insurance information.
    4. The authorized user must cooperate in the investigation of the accident.
  3. Completion of Accident Report Form Before the end of the day, the driver of a school vehicle should complete the MSDE Accident Reporting Form (Attachment 1) and PGCPS Driver’s Report of Vehicle Accident (Attachment 2) or the authorized user of an assigned vehicle should fill out the PGCPS Driver's Report of Vehicle Accident (Attachment 2) completely and legibly, in black ink, as it may serve as evidence in court. Documents are to be given to the appropriate supervisor, who will send them to the Accident Accountability Clerk in the Transportation Communications Office and the Risk Management Office within 24 hours of the accident. The Risk Management Office shall be responsible for keeping and maintaining all Accident Report Forms.

    Directions for completing the accident report include:
    1. Facts should be definite and specific.
    2. The report should state correctly and fully the names of persons involved (name, address, and phone number of the other driver, including tag number, make and model of the other vehicle).
    3. The location of the accident should be designated specifically so the exact spot where the accident occurred can be located later.
    4. The diagram of the accident should indicate direction of travel and exact location of the vehicles on the street or roadway, obstacles, traffic signs, and other pertinent facts.
    5. The name and badge number of the investigating police officer and case number provided by law enforcement personnel should be included on the form.
    6. Any test administered to determine sobriety while operating the school vehicle or the assigned vehicle.
    7. Citations issued resulting from an accident which occurred with the school vehicle or the assigned vehicle.
    8. Information related to allegations by others regarding an accident, property damage, personal injury or any loss which are the fault of the school vehicle driver or authorized user of the assigned vehicle and/or custodian of the assigned vehicle at the time of the loss.

      A statement concerning the accident should not be given to anyone except to police or authorized Board of Education personnel.
  4. Enforcement
    1. Any school vehicle driver who fails to report an accident involving personal injury or property damage as soon as practicable following an accident is disqualified from operating a school vehicle. The duration of the disqualification is at the discretion of the Director of
    2. Any school vehicle driver or authorized user of the assigned vehicle driver who willfully conceals the reporting of any accident or injury, falsifies an accident report, or refuses to cooperate with a lawful investigation will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include written reprimand, suspension or dismissal.

VI. Monitoring and Compliance

  1. School vehicle driver and authorized users of assigned vehicles are responsible for reporting vehicle accidents in accordance with this procedure.
  2. Department heads are responsible for ensuring that all accident reports are submitted within 24 hours of the accident.
  3. The Risk Management Office shall be responsible for keeping and maintaining all Accident Report Forms.

VII. Legal Authority

Annotated Code of Maryland, Transportation Article §11-154;
Transportation Article §20-102-104
Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.06.07.01;
COMAR 13A. 06.07.07 E. (2); COMAR 13A. 06.07.15

VIII. Related Procedures

Administrative Procedure 2806, Vehicle Accident Review Committee; Administrative Procedure 3545 – Board Authorized Vehicles by Employees

IX. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures will be reviewed annually by the Department of Safety and Security Services, Department of Transportation, and the Office of Risk Management.

X. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2805.5, dated September 1, 2004.

XI. Effective Date

February 1, 2021

About This Procedure

Last Revised: February 1, 2021


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