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Administrative Procedure 2702 - Distribution of Materials by Central Office Mailing Facility For Functions External To School System

I. Purpose

To provide for the use of the Central Office Mailing Facility of the Prince George’s County Public Schools in distributing certain materials for organizations not a part of the school system.

II. Definitions

The following definitions apply to the content of these procedures:

  1. Central Mailing Facility: The mail receiving, sorting, and delivery facility for all schools and offices comprising the Prince George’s County Public Schools. (Located in the Instructional Support Services Center Building)
  2. External Organization: Any person or organization which is not an integral part of the Prince George’s County Public Schools organization as shown in current organizational charts.
  3. Employee Organizations: Those organizations which are recognized to represent the employees of the Prince George’s County Public Schools in matters of collective bargaining and employee representation.

III. Information

The Superintendent of Schools has authorized the use of the Central Mailing Facility by external organizations providing the distribution is in the best interests of the school system.

  1. Specific requests must be made for the distribution of such materials to the Office of General Counsel and approval granted in advance of distribution.
  2. Requests shall apply only to the fiscal year current at the time of the request, and approvals will automatically expire June 30 of each year. If further distribution is desired, requests must be resubmitted.
  3. No materials will be accepted for delivery having to do with any candidate for public office or other political purposes.
  4. Employee organizations may distribute materials as contained in negotiated agreements, and the provision for automatic expiration of distribution authorities on June 30 does not apply.
  5. Materials received for distribution which the Superintendent of Schools or the Superintendent’s designee considers are not in the best interest of the school system, will not be distributed.
  6. No distribution will be made of any materials, which is in violation of Federal, State, or County laws. Misuse of an authorization to distribute material by PONY will result in the immediate revocation of distribution authority concerned.

The Central Office Mailing Facility will maintain current lists of those organizations external to the school system that are authorized to distribute materials on any continuing basis. No materials will be accepted for distribution or distributed in the absence of a proper authorization in accordance with procedures herein.

IV. Procedures

The following procedures are applicable to all distributions requested by external functions or employee organizations:

  1. Requesting Authority
    1. External organizations or employee organizations will submit requests to the Office of General Counsel.
      1. Describe material to be distributed – include sample.
      2. State purpose of distribution.
      3. List distribution desired.
    2. Authorization for distributions will be acted on by the Office of General Counsel in the form of the attachment with a copy to the Central Office Mailing Facility.
  2. Preparing the Materials to be Distributed
    1. Sort materials into following categories:
      1. Elementary Schools
      2. Secondary Schools
      3. Central Offices
    2. Further sort within each of the above categories, in alphabetical sequence of address titles.
    3. Wrap or bundle and tie all materials.
    4. Deliver to Central Office Mailing Facility:

      Instructional Support Services Center Building
      9201 East Hampton Drive
      Capitol Heights, Maryland 20743
  3. Distribution of Materials
    1. Central Office Mailing Facility distributes materials authorized and prepared as described above in routine manner for regular school system materials.
    2. Notifies external organization or employee organization concerned of excess undeliverable materials – retains for pick up for period of ten days. After the ten-day retention period, any excess or undeliverable material will be disposed of in accordance with current disposal procedures.
    3. In the event of problems in connection with delivery of materials authorized by these procedures, the Central Office Mailing Facility may work directly with the external function or employee organization concerned. Contact should be with the Head Mail Clerk.

V. Related Procedures


VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Office of General Counsel. Regular review and update of procedures will be accomplished as needed.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2702, dated January 1, 1986.

VIII. Effective Date

July 1, 2008

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2008


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