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Administrative Procedure 2575 - Guidelines for Collection of Materials at Consolidated Schools

I. Purpose

To designate procedures and responsibilities for the collection of materials following the consolidation of a school.

II. Policy

Education Article section 4-120 of the Annotated Code of Maryland authorizes the Chief Executive Officer of Prince George’s County to consolidate schools and arrange for the transportation of students to and from consolidated schools.

III. Definitions

  1. Gaylord – a bulk box used to hold large volumes of trash
  2. Obsolete - any materials no longer supported under the terms of a textbook adoption and have been replaced by a new product.
  3. Overstock - any materials in excess of enrollment numbers.
  4. Return Surplus Adjustment – process in TIPWEB textbook inventory management system of providing numbers of overstock materials and creating a call tag of materials to be picked up from the school.
  5. TIPWeb – Web-based textbook inventory management system.

IV. Procedures

Providing staff and students with a seamless transition from one school to another is the responsibility of various school system personnel. The following guidelines designate procedures and responsibility for the administration of a school consolidation.

  1. Property Audit

    Once it has been determined that a school will be consolidated. The Chief of Operations will contact the Office of Internal Audit to request that a property audit is conducted to determine what inventory is missing or cannot be located.

  2. Guidelines for the Relocation of Materials
    1. Establish a point of contact in the facility to coordinate the move.
    2. Provide a floor plan for the current location.
    3. Coordinate relocation schedule with Building Services and Warehouse staff through the Instructional Director assigned to the school.
    4. Request boxes, labels and packing supplies from the warehouse.
    5. Box and label all items (file cabinets, textbooks, instructional resources with the appropriate location name and room number.)
  3. Collection of Instructional Materials
    1. Physical Education instructional materials (such as manipulatives, equipment and supplemental guides) for elementary, middle and high schools:
      1. The Physical Education Teacher will receive an Inventory Form to be completed in May, which should include all physical education equipment and materials including condition.
      2. All large equipment items will be moved to a designated location identified by the Office of Physical Education.
    2. Science instructional materials (such as chemical inventory checklist, supplemental materials, textbooks, laboratory consumables and non-consumables [equipment]) for elementary, middle and high school:
      1. Upon receiving approval from the Area Office to begin the process of packing materials, the Elementary Coordinator (EC)/ Department Chair (DC)/Teacher Coordinator (TC) will contact the Science Office with an inventory that identifies all science materials.
      2. Once the science materials list has been submitted to the Science Office and directions have been provided on how items will be housed [e.g. boxed or placed in a specific area for chemical storage/transport/removal], the Elementary Coordinator (EC)/ Department Chair (DC)/Teacher Coordinator (TC) will contact the Science Office for material pick up.
      3. A list of receiving schools will be provided to the Division of Teaching and Learning from the Pupil Accounting and School Boundary Office to ensure the materials collected are equitably distributed to the appropriate school(s).
      4. Obsolete materials that are still in usable condition are available for use by charter schools and the homeschooling office per Administrative Procedure 3260.
    3. All other content area instructional materials (textbooks, calculators, manipulatives, equipment, supplemental guides, etc.) for elementary, middle and high schools:
      1. The Area Office will inform the principal of the timeline for the inventory and collection of materials.
      2. Textbook staff and content supervisors will visit consolidated schools during early May to view content area storage closets and identify, label, and record materials to keep and dispose.
      3. The Principal or Elementary Contact (EC)/Department Chair (DC)/Teacher Coordinator (TC) for each content area will submit a textbook Return Surplus adjustment in TIPWeb and prepare overstock materials for pick up by warehouse staff.
      4. Upon receiving approval from the Area Office to begin the process of organizing materials, the Principal or Elementary Contact (EC)/Department Chair (DC)/Teacher Coordinator (TC) will contact the appropriate content office with an inventory that identifies all instructional materials (textbooks in TIPWeb, manipulative kits, Center-Stage Kits, supplemental resources, calculators, etc.).
      5. Once all instructional materials and related resources have been separated and labeled, the Principal or Elementary Contact (EC)/Department Chair (DC)/Teacher Coordinator (TC) will contact the appropriate content office for material pick up and the textbook office for textbook pick up.
      6. Schools will organize all usable textbooks and supplemental materials by content area, in separate rooms or separate sections of a large room such as gym, cafeteria, or Media center, labeled by content area. A list must be provided to the principal that includes the room location of the textbooks, titles, ISBNs, and the number of units.
      7. The warehouse staff will deliver gaylords to consolidated schools in early June. School staff will dispose of obsolete materials in gaylords.
      8. The number of students in the receiving schools will be provided to the Division of Teaching and Learning from the Pupil Accounting and School Boundary Office to ensure the materials collected are equitably distributed to the appropriate school(s).
      9. Obsolete materials that are still in usable condition are available for use by charter schools and the homeschooling office per Administrative Procedure 3260.
    4. Library Media Services will coordinate inventory of library equipment, furniture, print and non-print materials. Equipment, furniture, print, and non-print materials are specialized for use in the library media center. They will, if condition allows, be used as needed in other library media centers. Attachment 1 outlines the required steps in preparation for the consolidation of the school.
    5. Creative Arts Programs Office will coordinate inventory of all materials of instruction, specialized furniture, equipment and supplies for instrumental music, vocal general music, visual arts, theatre, dance, media arts/TV Production and arts integration. The materials are specialized for use in these programs, and if condition allows, will be used as needed in the receiving school(s) and in the instructional programs at other schools.
    6. Career and Technical Education equipment assigned to that program shall be disposed of properly within one year and requires the prior permission of Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) – Division of Career and College Readiness (DCCR). An Equipment Inventory Report (MSDE/DCCR-213-15) must be submitted to MSDE/DCCR for prior approval (Attachment 2). All equipment dispositions must follow specific procedures outlined in the Procedures for Career and Technical Education Equipment Inventory.
    7. Reserved Officers Training Corp (ROTC) instructional materials, training aids, equipment, supplies, uniforms, and other items, as deemed necessary by the Military Service to support and conduct the JROTC program, shall be transferred to a location to be determined by the Military Service. The Military Service concerned shall pay transportation charges, including packaging and handling, for shipment to and from the institution. That institution shall pay all other costs incident to maintenance, local storage, and safeguarding of the property.
  4. Student Records
    1. Preparation of Active Records
      1. An enrollment report will be provided by the Office of Student Record, Transfers and Archival Services listing all current students. The report will include an indicator for students who have an IEP, 504 Plan or homeless. Records of students who have court orders, registered under shared housing or include other sensitive documentation must be audited to ensure the appropriate documentation is included in the student record.
      2. A school team must audit each record.
      3. Managed Print Services will create a PS-46 Card for each student listed on the Active Enrollment Report.
      4. A PS-46 card must be archived for every student who attended the school (regardless if the student remains in PGCPS and cross-referenced with the appropriate student record).
      5. Student records must be complete and filed in the appropriate order in accordance with the Student Enrollment Guide located on the PGCPS Intraweb (for active and inactive records).
      6. A Transitional Records Review form (Attachment 3) must be completed for each student record and inserted as the first page inside the Cumulative Folder.
      7. A typewritten Cumulative Folder label must be created for each student record. The label must include:
        PGCPS and Maryland (State) Student Identification Number; full legal name (as it is recorded on birth certificate) – last name, first name, middle name (suffix if applicable); birth date; sex (M or F) and race code (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).
      8. Each cumulative folder must contain the following items in the order listed below:
        1. Log of Review (left side of folder)
        2. Student Registration Form (PA-14)
        3. Updated proof of residency and/or non-compliance notifications (1st, 2nd and/or 3rd)
        4. Birth certificate/proof of residency documentation
        5. Affidavit of Disclosure (PA-15)
        6. Student Record Cards (SR), Pupil Data System Cards (PDS) and/or the APEX Report for Electronic Student Record Cards (ESR) must be organized in the following order:
          1. Personal Data and School Attendance Data Card (SR-1, PDS-1 and/or ESR-1)
          2. Annual Performance and Data Summary Pre K-8 (SR-2, PDS-2 and/or ESR-2)
          3. Annual Secondary School Performance and Data Summary 9-12 (SR-3, PDS-3 and/or ESR-3)
          4. State Mandate Testing and Local Education Agency Testing (SR-4, PDS-4 and/or ESR-4)
          5. University Style Transcript
          6. Graduation Requirements that are not included on the SchoolMax University Style Transcript
        7. Year-end report cards must be placed in chronological order (most recent first).
        8. All other documents as outlined on the Transitional Records Review Form (Attachment 3).
    2. Limited Access Folder - Please refer to the Transitional Record Review (Attachment 3) form for the six parts required in each special education folder.
    3. Preparation of Inactive Records
      1. Arrange student records in alphabetical order.
      2. Reference the Student Withdrawal/Inactive Enrollment Report and cross-reference with all inactive records (provided by the Office of Student Record, Transfers and Archival Services).
      3. Review SR/PDS cards to ensure all required fields are completed.
      4. The SR/PDS cards must be removed from each folder and organized alphabetically according to the student last’s name. Please refer to the Student enrollment Guide for the appropriate order for archival.
      5. All staples and paperclips must be removed, and loose labels securely affixed with tape.
      6. A typed, alphabetized list of PS-46 cards must be prepared and placed in the front of the box containing the PS-46 cards.
      7. Schools will be notified of the scheduled date and time that the In-active records are to be archived.
      8. At the scheduled date and time, the following records must be delivered to Archival Services:
        1. All records requiring archival
          1. APEX Report for Student Record Cards (SY11 through current School Year) organized per the Student Enrollment Guide; the cardstock PDS/SR Cards must precede APEX Cards and grouped accordingly.
          2. SR4 (yellow card)
          3. SR2 (white card)
          4. SR1 (green card)
          5. DHMH 896 (immunization record)
          6. Most recent LAF or 504 Plan
        2. Alphabetized PS-46 cards (OSRTAS will provide specific direction)
        3. A list of student names for each SR card to be archived.
        4. A list of student names for each PS-46 card to be archived. Please extract data for withdrawn students from 1989 through the current school year as captured from the Withdrawn/Inactive Enrollment Report.
        5. An alphabetical listing of each of the SR/PDS card to be archived must be prepared and placed in the front of the box containing the SR/PDS cards.
        6. The PS-46 cards for records prepared for archival must be noted “Archived on” June 30th of the current school year. Managed Print Services will create a PS-46 Card for each student listed on the Withdrawn/Inactive Enrollment Report.
        7. The PS-46 Cards will be delivered to Archival Services by Print Managed Services and archived with the student record cards.
      9. The registrar/secretary must ensure all inactive students are not currently enrolled via SchoolMax.
      10. All special education inactive records must be stored at a central location.
        1. Must contact the Warehouse Supervisor to request storage space.
        2. Student records must be clearly labeled and identify date of destruction (when student reaches 28 years of age)
        3. A material transfer request must be completed to transmit records to Warehouse.
  5. Student Health Records
    1. Health Inventory (SR-5) documentation must be scanned into School Health Electronic Records (SHERe) database by the school nurse.
    2. Paper version of the Health Inventory Folder (SR-5) must be forwarded to each receiving school. All folders must contain the following items:
      1. Log of Review (in front of folder)
      2. Completed SR5
      3. Completed DHMH along with any supporting documentation
      4. All health related documents will be placed inside the SR-5
  6. School Furniture
    1. Furniture must be counted, inspected and placed on an inventory log.
    2. The Area Office will be informed of where materials will need to be transferred to support the movement of students to other school locations.
      This information will also be shared with the principal. Furniture can only be transported to approved sites.
    3. A Material Transfer form must be completed to transfer furniture to another location and sent to The requestor must download the Material Transfer Form from the Purchasing Department website, complete the form and email it as an attachment to The form requires a supervisor’s approval, an authorized shipper (contact for the driver at the time of pickup), and the date the materials will be available for pickup.
    4. Damaged furniture must be separated and listed on a material transfer and sent to
    5. The warehouse will forward a copy of the material transfer form to the Purchasing Office for tracking.
    6. Kitchen equipment must be approved by Food Services to be transferred to other locations.
  7. Athletic Equipment for Middle School and High School Sports
    1. The Athletic Director will receive a Google Inventory Spreadsheet to be completed in May, which will include all athletic supplies, uniforms, and equipment.
    2. All MPSSAA and County athletic awards shall be documented in the Google Inventory Spreadsheet. Trophies, plaques and banners shall be packed and stored at the warehouse.
    3. All large equipment items will be moved to a designated location identified by the Office of Interscholastic Athletics.
    4. Smaller equipment items (football helmets, bats, balls, etc.) will be distributed based on the percent of students transitioning to other high schools. The Office of Interscholastic Athletics will work with the Office of Accounting and Financial Reporting to determine a formula to distribute the equipment equitably.
    5. A Material Transfer form must be completed for all items.
    6. All athletic funds will be allocated to the school(s) receiving students based on the percentage of students enrolled in the receiving school. The Office of Interscholastic Athletics will facilitate the distribution of funds.
  8. Technology Equipment
    1. Equipment should be brought to a central location in the school, inventoried, and ready to be transferred to Technology Support Services Information Technology (IT) will work with the warehouse to properly remove the equipment.
    2. The school's inventory will be compared to the assets assigned to the school in the school district's asset management system. The results will be shared with the Internal Audit office for record keeping.
    3. IT will contact offices that have purchased technology equipment for this school with grant funds and provide a list of grant purchased equipment that was collected. Technology Support Services will coordinate the delivery of the grant-purchased equipment to designated schools.
    4. Non-grant purchased equipment will be disseminated to schools as needed.
    5. Any equipment that is damaged will be assessed for repair and a determination will be made whether the equipment is fixed or noted as damaged and used for parts.
  9. Collection of Keys
    1. The Key Box will be organized so that all keys are displayed according to room numbers.
    2. All keys must be collected and tagged from each staff member.
      1. Each key will have a tag identifying the room number
      2. All classroom storage cabinets, wardrobe closets, file cabinets, etc. with locks will also be identified.
    3. If a staff member has lost or misplaced the key(s) (i.e. door, file cabinet, wardrobe closet, storage cabinet, etc.) issued to them at the beginning of the year a list of staff members and room numbers shall be submitted to the Director of Building Services no later than one month prior to the close of school to determine how much each employee will be charged for the key and/or lock replacement. The replacement charge will not exceed $50 for the replacement of the key and/or lock as the entire lock may have to be rekeyed.
      a. Create a list of all rooms with lost/misplaced door keys. Submit a work order to have the locks replaced with the room locations located in the work order system.
      b. Submit the master list to the Area Office for review to ensure there were accurate funds collected for lost/misplaced keys.
  10. Custodial Supplies and Lawn Equipment – Building Services will inventory, dispose and/or redistribute all custodial supplies and lawn equipment.

V. Related Procedures

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

The Office of Operations will maintain and update this procedure.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures


VIII. Effective Date

May 1, 2016

About This Procedure

Last Revised: May 1, 2016


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