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Administrative Procedure 2571 - Utilization Of Buildings Which Are Closed By The Board Of Education

I. Purpose

To provide procedures for utilizing or disposing of buildings which are closed by the Board of Education.

II. Policy

Board of Education Policy 2570.2 provides for citizen participation in the decision process. When buildings are closed by the Board of Education, Board of Education use of that facility will assume a first priority. If the building is not needed for Board of Education purposes, the community will be notified and the building will be turned over to the county.

III. Information

As indicated in Administrative Procedure 2570.2, closing schools is a very sensitive and complex issue. The Board of Education is aware that we are in a period of declining enrollment. However, good management dictates that existing buildings, although closed for purposes of housing students, offer other uses for the mission of the Board of Education.

IV. Definitions


V. Criteria to Be Used In Determining Whether or Not a Building Can Be Utilized For Other Board Of Education Uses

  1. Age of building
  2. Location
  3. Cost of renovations
  4. Projected cost factors
  5. Size of facility

VI. Procedures

  1. The Superintendent will designate a standing committee, known as the Building Utilization Committee, to initiate action concerning all buildings which are to be closed by the Board of Education.
    1. Chief Operating Officer, Chairman
    2. Associate Superintendent (for the area in which the school is located)
    3. Member of School Community Task Force
    4. Director of Capital Programs
    5. Director of Building Services
    6. Director of Purchasing
    7. Chief of Supporting Services
    8. Chief of Student Services (or his designee)
  2. The Building Utilization Committee will solicit requests for space needs of all departments within the Board of Education, which could be satisfied through the utilization of surplus school buildings.
  3. The Building Utilization Committee will study and prioritize space requirement requests.
  4. The Building Utilization Committee will include a member of the local school community Task Force, when alternative uses of a particular building are being considered.
  5. The Building Utilization Committee, using the priority ranking (in C above) will recommend department or program to use the surplus school. The recommendations of the committee will be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools.
  6. The Superintendent will make final recommendations to the Board of Education.
  7. In the event the Superintendent’s recommendation is that the school be closed and the Board of Education affirms such proposed closing, further approvals shall be sought from the State Superintendent of Schools and the Interagency Committee on School Construction.
  8. Simultaneous to the seeking of further approvals, as above, the Board of Education, through its Superintendent of Schools, shall place the Office of the Executive of Prince George’s County on notice that a certain school building is in the process of being closed and declared “surplus”, thereby alerting Prince George’s County of its prospective ownership of same, as such building is no longer needed for school purposes.
  9. Immediately upon final approvals, required under law, having been obtained, the Board shall cause to prepare and deliver a Deed to Prince George’s County, after which occurrence the Board shall no longer be responsible for the maintenance or payment of utility bills for same. Once the building has been turned over to the County, all negotiations for the use of the building will be with the County office.
  10. All removable fixtures, furnishings and the like however, shall be deemed to remain the property of the Board And be removed from the building, prior to delivery of the Deed, for utilization by the Board in other schools or offices if such fixtures, furnishings and the like, or any portions thereof, are deemed to have a continuing value to the Board of Education by the Superintendent of Schools, or his designee.
  11. The staff of the Board shall at all times refrain from entering into or discussing negotiations, with persons or groups seeking the ultimate use of school building in the process of being declared “surplus”, pursuant to law, As the Board of Education fully recognizes the authority of Prince George’s County having the exclusive right to make final disposition of same.

VII. Related Procedures

Board Policy 2570, Closing of School Buildings.

VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Chief of Student Services. Regular updating of procedures will be accomplished when changes are required.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2571, dated August 13, 1976.

X. Effective Date

July 1, 2013

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2013


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