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Administrative Procedure 2512.1 - Attention to Fire and Safety Inspections

I. Purpose

To require effective and continuing attention of principals to the elimination of fire and safety hazards in the schools.

II. Background

The County Fire Department, County Health Department and other agencies conduct periodic inspections of school premises pursuant to State laws with the intent to prevent fires and maintain public health. Reports contain three distinct types of items:

Housekeeping Items – Matters which are within the capabilities of the Building Supervisor for correction, and for which the principal is responsible for correction.

Maintenance Items – Matters which are beyond the control of school administrators, and are assigned to the Maintenance Department for correction.

Contractor Items - Matters which require correction by outside contractors.

It is essential that the school principal promptly correct all violations of a housekeeping nature and then take such steps as are necessary to ensure non-recurrence.

III. Procedures

The following procedures should be accomplished by the school principals in responding to fire, health and safety inspection reports.

  1. All housekeeping items are to be promptly corrected by the school.
  2. A copy of all fire, safety, and health reports should be sent directly to Building Services (Maintenance) by each school. Maintenance items are assigned for action by Building Services upon receipt of their copy, often in conjunction with the Safety Office. No further action is required by the school for maintenance items on any reports. Schools should not submit Work Order requests for these violations. This will be handled by the Building Services staff. The complete cooperation of staff is essential in order to prevent and eliminate hazards. The attachments include a safety survey checklist to assist in complying with good safety and fire practices, and a copy of the Safety Office Fire Prevention Inspection Form.

IV. Related Procedures

V. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Division of Supporting Services and will be reviewed annually.

VI. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2512.1, dated July 1, 2008.

VII. Effective Date

January 1, 2013

About This Procedure

Last Revised: January 1, 2013


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