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Administrative Procedure 2506 - Special Safety and Security Services for Schools

I. Purpose

To provide security services for schools in the course of management and control of school events, such as athletic events, dances and other meetings.

II. Policy

The Board of Education authorizes the Director of Safety and Security Services to organize Safety and Security Services personnel to provide safety to all Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), its students and employees while on school property and for the protection of physical property including PGCPS buses, buildings, and their contents. (Board Policy 3517)

III. Background

In the course of planning for school events involving groups, audiences, or meetings, there may be a need for security personnel to assist in control and maintenance of order. The Department of Safety and Security Services staff (i.e., Investigator/Counselors and Security Assistants) can be made available to school principals for such special security services. Except for high school varsity football games, in which the Safety and Security Services Department provides special security services, payment for services for all other events - i.e., dances, plays, proms, soccer games, basketball games, baseball games, and track meets, etc. - are paid using school funds via establishing a Second Assignment for the security staff who will work these events.

IV. Procedures

  1. All requests for Security Services will occur in the following ways:
    1. At least two weeks prior to an event, the Principal or designee should call the Safety and Security Services Office (301-499-7000) to provide a description of the event in which services are needed, with specific details including the date, time, amount of time needed, expected number of participants, etc.
    2. Immediately following the phone call, the Principal must confirm the specific requirements of the event by completing the “Request For Special Security Services Form”, Part A – School’s Request and forward to the Director of the Department of Safety and Security Services. (See Attachment.)

      Additionally, the Principal is required to provide the school level budget code for which funds will be used to pay for the special security services.
    3. Within two business days of receipt of the request form from the Principal, the Director of the Department of Safety and Security Services will complete “Part B, Provision of Services” on the request form and return to the Principal of the requesting school as confirmation of the arrangements.
  2. Performance of Special Security Services:
    1. The Sergeant or the Investigative Counselor (IC) will report to the Principal or designee in charge of the event 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.
    2. The Safety and Security Services staff will perform duties as directed.
    3. The Safety and Security Services staff will report to the Principal at the completion of duty prior to leaving the assignment/location.
  3. Payment of Safety and Security Services staff for special security services provided to individual schools and departments for after-school events other than varsity high school football:
    1. Payment for such services will be paid through the Oracle Payroll System after obtaining the Safety and Security Services staff name and employee identification number (EIN).
    2. Complete a Second Assignment Request Form (see Attachment #1 for Administrative Procedure 4107). The expected start and end date of the assignment, the position type, the funding source, the employee’s name, EIN, position, the number of days, the hours per day, and the description of the duties to be assigned are required. Enter hour(s) worked as “regular extra time.” The funding source is the school’s budget code.
    3. Hourly employees who work additional hours related to their primary assignment must be compensated for overtime.
    4. The school principal or Safety and Security Services supervisor should approve 2nd or 3rd job entry only.
    5. Sergeants who work outside of the school day to provide special security services may not be assigned second assignments. However, they must be compensated for overtime if they work additional hours related to their primary assignments.

      All overtime hours worked by Sergeants will be processed by the payroll representative within the Department of Safety and Security Services. All extracurricular events (as detailed above) are paid using the school’s budget. Schools are required to note their budget code on the overtime form, obtain an authorized signature, i.e. Principal, and email it to the Payroll Representative at the Safety and Security Services Department as applicable.
    6. Safety and Security Services staff will receive payment for their services by means of the regular payroll procedures.
    7. Payment of Safety and Security Services staff for Special Security Services provided to individual schools for varsity high school football games is paid out of the Safety and Security Services budget code. The above steps for payment are similar for the Department of Safety and Security Services.

IV. Monitoring and Compliance

The Safety and Security Services Office will be responsible for monitoring and compliance for this procedure.

V. Related Procedures

Administrative Procedure 4107 – Use of Employee Second Assignment

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Department of Safety and Security Services and will be reviewed on an annual basis and updated as required.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2506, dated July 1, 2013.

VIII. Effective Date

August 22, 2019

About This Procedure

Last Revised: August 22, 2019


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