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Administrative Procedure 2485 - Standard Distribution Lists

I. Purpose

To provide standard distribution lists for Board of Education Policies, Chief Executive Officer’s Administrative Procedures, Bulletins, and such other administrative communications or materials as may be applicable to list-type distribution.

II. Background

Distribution of instructional, directional, or informational materials must be accomplished in an effective manner in order for a large school system to function effectively. To accomplish such distribution, the originator, the Chief of Operations and the Office of General Counsel must work together in a coordinated operation.

III. Information

The following distribution lists are provided herein for regular mailroom distribution to school system operation.
List #1 Central Office Directors, Instructional Directors
List #2 Principals of Elementary Schools
List #3 Principals of Middle Schools
List #4 Principals of High Schools
             Principals of Evening High Schools and Alternative High Schools
List #5 Principals of Special Education Centers and Schools
List #6 Certificated Employees
List #7 Supporting Personnel
List #8 All Employees
List #9 Employee Organizations
List #10 Executive Cabinet Members
List #11 Professional School Counselors
List # 12 Pupil Personnel Workers and School Psychologists

*Note: All bulletins must show List #10 for purposes of administrative control and providing information to Executive Cabinet members.

IV. Procedures

General Procedures Applicable to All Lists: The following must be accomplished for all email distribution once approved by the Office of General Counsel:

  1. Select list(s) desired.
  2. Provide instructions for distribution to the following email address:
  3. Instructions furnished for distribution should be clear and concise so that personnel concerned will understand what is needed and thus be able to ensure effective distribution.
  4. For Bulletin distribution, show the applicable distribution lists in lower left corner of the Bulletin.

V. Related Procedures


VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures will be maintained by the Office of General Counsel. Revisions to this procedure should be brought to the attention of the Chief of Operations. Regular updating will be accomplished as appropriate.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2485, dated August 26, 1997.

VIII. Effective Date

July 1, 2013

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2013


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