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Administrative Procedure 2300 - Tobacco-Free School Environment

I. Purpose

To provide information regarding the implementation of Tobacco-Free School Environment Regulations.

II. Background

State Board of Education regulations, COMAR 13A.02.04, prohibit the sale or use of tobacco products, in any form, in all school buildings at all times. The regulations further prohibit the sale or use of tobacco products on all school grounds during the official school day.

III. Definitions

In this procedure, the following terms have the meanings indicated:

  1. “Tobacco” means products derived from the tobacco plant that are smoked, chewed, sniffed, or otherwise consumed. This shall not include nicotine replacement therapy.
  2. “School buildings” means all buildings including schools, office buildings, bus lots, warehouses, garages, or other buildings owned or leased by the Board of Education of Prince George’s County.
  3. “School grounds” means all land owned or leased by the Board of Education that surrounds a school or other building, as defined in B above.
  4. School vehicles” mean all equipment, automobiles, or trucks owned by the Board of Education of Prince George’s County.

IV. Procedures

  1. The sale or use of tobacco products, in any form, is prohibited at all times in school buildings, on school buses, or school vehicles and equipment. The sale or use of tobacco, in any form, is also prohibited on school grounds during the official school day.
  2. System-wide publicity regarding the implementation of the Tobacco-Free School Environment Regulations will be coordinated through the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Office. Principals and other administrators designated in charge of school facilities should advise groups or organizations that utilize school facilities of these requirements. Signs designating the facility to be tobacco and drug-free are available from the Building Services Department and should be posted at the entrance of each building.

V. Related Procedures


VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures will be reviewed periodically by the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Office and changes will be made as necessary.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2300, dated November 15, 2012.

VIII. Effective Date

October 1, 2015

About This Procedure

Last Revised: October 1, 2015.


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