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Administrative Procedure 2214 - Trespass Warnings

I. Purpose

To develop procedures for the enforcement of the Trespass Law in all schools.

II. Policy

The Chief Executive Officer, principal of a school, or anyone designated in writing by the CEO or the principal may deny access to unauthorized persons whose presence on public school grounds or buildings is objectionable or otherwise desired. Any administrative personnel and other authorized employees of the Prince George’s County Public Schools may demand identification and evidence of qualification for use from any person on school premises (Board Policy 2214).

III. Definition

Maryland Annotated Code, Education Article §26-102 defines Trespass as the failure or refusal to leave the grounds of any public institution of elementary, secondary, or higher education after being requested to do so by a person with authority to limit or deny access.

IV. Procedures

Upon the determination that access should be limited or denied, the Board of Education, CEO, or designee, or principal shall issue a notice informing the affected person of the conduct/activity that warranted the limitation of access, the scope of limitation of access, the period of limitation of access, not to exceed one calendar year from the date of issuance, and appeals option and process.

The notice of limitation of access shall be delivered personally or by certified mail to the affected person with copies sent to the Department of Security Services and the appropriate associate superintendent/director.

Not later than October 1st of each year, the CEO or his/her designee will issue a list of those designated personnel/authority to enforce the Trespass Law. The list of persons authorized to issue limitation of access notices shall be maintained in the Department of Security Services.

V. Related Procedures


VI. Legal Reference

MD Annotated Code, Education Article, §26-102.

VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

The Department of Security Services and the Office of General Counsel are responsible for this procedure and will update it as necessary. Any questions should be referred to those Departments.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2214, dated September 1, 2004.

IX. Effective Date

August 15, 2013

About This Procedure

Last Revised: August 15, 2013


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