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Administrative Procedure 2100 - Professional Library Circulation Procedure

I. Purpose

To provide maximum accessibility to the resources in the professional library’s collection. Borrowers/library patrons are encouraged to abide by due dates, overdue notices and any circulation restrictions. Borrowers/library patrons will try to ensure that library materials are not lost or damaged so they continue to be available for others.

II. Background

A Professional Library circulation policy is an approved practice for the registration of Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) staff as library patrons, circulation of library materials, reciprocal borrowing/lending practices, and the suspension of patron privileges. The collection is composed of professional books, periodicals, eBooks, subscription online databases, and other print and non-print materials. The materials and related digital resources are accessed/housed at the Bonnie F. Johns Educational Media Center and managed by a certified Librarian.

III. Procedures

  1. Patrons: Borrowing privileges are extended to all staff members affiliated with Prince George’s County Public Schools. Staff members must possess a valid school identification card or picture identification (e.g. valid driver’s license) and a current employee identification number when presenting materials for check-out.
  2. Circulation Policy by Type of Material:
    1. Books
      1. The total number of books checked out at one time will not exceed ten (10) items.
      2. The loan period for books will be thirty (30) days.
    2. Journals
      1. Patrons may request specific articles and materials by telephone or email.
      2. The total number of journals checked out at one time may not exceed five (5) items.
      3. Patrons must follow the Fair Use Copyright rules to make copies of all materials.
    3. Audiovisual Materials
      1. The total number of audiovisual materials checked out at one time will not exceed three (3) items.
      2. The loan period for audiovisual material is five (5) days.
    4. Online Subscription Databases
      1. Subscription databases are purchased and/or renewed annually for staff and student use.
      2. Patrons may access these resources using passwords available from their school’s library media specialist.
      3. Access is available at school or from outside the firewall/home twenty-four/seven (24/7).
      4. Fine and circulation policies are not applicable to the online subscription databases.

        Links to the online resources are on the Professional Library website.
    5. Digital Library Materials
      1. Fine and circulation policies are not applicable to digitized materials stored on the web.
      2. The audiovisual circulation policies apply to digitized material stored on DVD, CD, or other circulating portable storage devices.
  3. Overdue Materials and Fines:
    1. All borrowers are responsible for replacement fees and charges for materials that are considered lost. An item is considered lost if it is not returned within thirty (30) days of the due date.
    2. When an employee separates from the school system, the individual will be notified, within thirty (30) work days of entering their resignation in the Oracle platform to return any materials to avoid any fines.
    3.  Borrowing privileges will be suspended if the patron has any overdue materials.
    4. Charges and maximum fines for damaged or lost material are as follows:
      1. Books
        1. The maximum cost for a book with a copyright of 1995 or earlier is $20.00.
        2. The maximum cost for a book with a copyright later than 1995 is the current replacement cost of the book.
      2. Audiovisual Materials
        1. The maximum cost for audiovisual material with a copyright of 1995 or earlier is $20.00.
        2. The maximum cost for audiovisual material with a copyright later than 1995 is the current replacement cost of that material.
  4. Renewals: Patrons may request renewal for any material by telephone or email in advance of the due date. Self-renewal is available in the online library circulation system.
  5. Recalls: All circulating materials are subject to recall by the library. In the event that a recall notice is issued, the item must be returned immediately.
  6. Holds: The professional library allows patrons in good standing to place holds for library materials in order to provide access to high demand materials.
    1. A patron in good standing is defined as an individual whose record shows no overdue or lost materials or fines in excess of $20.00.
    2. Holds must be picked up in person and can only be checked out on the employee identification number on which the reserve was placed.
    3. Patrons may place holds in person, by telephone, and via the professional library’s online catalog on the library's website. Patrons may not place holds through the online catalog if their records are blocked.
    4. Only items listed in the online catalog may have holds placed on them.
    5. Patrons are limited to a total of three (3) holds at one time.
    6. Patrons will be notified by phone, the central office pony mail system, or email that the held item is available for pickup.
    7. Holds will be held for the patron for seven (7) days after the notification date.
  7. Notification: Overdue notices will be sent periodically through the central office pony mail system or by email. However, it is the responsibility of the borrower to know the due date of checked out materials.
  8. Suspension of Borrowing Privileges: Borrowing privileges may be suspended when a patron fails to follow the library policies. The library will make all reasonable efforts to give advance warning to the borrower. Borrowing privileges may be suspended for any of the following reasons. Privileges may be reinstated upon correction or change in any of these conditions:
    1. Excessive number of overdue items;
    2. Failure to return a recalled item;
    3. Fines or replacement costs exceeding $20.00; and
    4. Separation of employment from Prince George’s County Public Schools.
  9. Confidentiality: In accordance with the Code of Ethics of the American Library Association, the library will work to “protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.” In accordance with the library’s policy of making materials available to all patrons, third party notification may be necessary to collect long-standing overdue materials.

IV. Monitoring and Compliance

Circulation is monitored through the online library catalogue. Notification is also made to employees through that catalogue.

V. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This procedure originates with the Division of Academics, Office of Library Media Services, and will be reviewed and updated as required.

VI. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2100, dated January 1, 2008.

VII. Effective Date

July 1, 2019

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2019


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