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Administrative Procedure 10203 - Access to Buildings After Normal School Hours or Office Work Hours

I. Purpose

To provide standard procedures to be followed whenever access to school system buildings is required after and outside normal working hours.

II. Background

Security of our schools and buildings continues to be a matter of grave concern, and burglar alarms have been installed to help detect any unauthorized entry into our buildings. These detection devices will trigger alarms regardless of whether it is a thief or simply a teacher who has returned to the school to pick up a forgotten article. The alarm system has resulted in apprehending thieves but has also resulted in detaining a number of school employees who had returned to the building in connection with their work. The procedures herein will establish a standard method of obtaining entry authorization to all school system buildings after normal school hours and avoid problems of detention as an unauthorized entry suspect.

III. Definitions

The following definitions apply to the content of these procedures:

A. ACCESS CARD: An identification card issued by the Office of Security Services to a specifically named person, which will authorize that person to enter a specific building after normal school hours. An individual alarm code will be assigned to each access card.

B. AFTER NORMAL SCHOOL HOURS: The time when no custodian is on duty and the alarm system is set in the “Night” position. (Normally, after midnight during the work week and on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.)


1. Disarmed: Alarm system deactivated.

2. Armed: Alarm system active – entry detection signals will be transmitted to Central Alarm Station.

D. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT LIST: A database maintained in the Office of Security Services for each person authorized by the principal or building manager to be called out in the event of an emergency, i.e. breaking and entering, vandalism, power failure, etc.
E. TEMPORARY ACCESS CARD: An identification card in the same format as the Access Card above, but over-stamped TEMPORARY, and which will be issued to school principals for temporary use by their staff (such as a science teacher needing to enter a laboratory over a weekend).

IV. Procedures

The following procedures are identified for school buildings and actions by principals. However, the identical procedures apply to offices and other buildings in the school system, with the appropriate supervisor or building manager accomplishing the same actions identified for the principal below.

A. Permanent Access Cards:

1. The principal or building manager will maintain a record of those personnel who require continuing access to the building after normal school or working hours. The record will be purged by July 30th and updated by August 1st of each year. A listing of names for the current school year will be forwarded to principals and building managers no later than July 15th for review.

2. The principal and building manager must ensure that an Emergency Notification List is updated in the Office of Security Services for each person the principal or building manager desires to have access to buildings after hours.

3. Office of Security Services issues Access Cards to the principal or building manager once the listing of staff who are approved to have access to the building has been submitted to the Office of Security Services.

4. The principal or building manager must sign all Access Cards, deliver each card to the appropriate person, and keep record of all Access Card holders.

5. Access Card Holder must sign card and keep for use.

B. When Access to Building is Desired:

1. Before entering the school, the employee must call the Security Office at 301-499-7019 and give the monitor on duty the following information:

a. Name of school or office you will be entering;
b. Your name;
c. Your I.D. Number (upper right hand corner of card);
d. Your Access Card Number (located on back of card in red ink);
e. Your estimated time of arrival; and
f. Your reason for entering school (i.e., to work, ball practice, etc.).

2. Upon entering the school/office, you must call the Security Office and advise that you are at the school. At this time, you MUST turn the Burglar Alarm equipment from the Armed to the Disarmed POSITION.

3. Before leaving the school, turn the Burglar Alarm equipment back to the ARMED POSITION and then call the Security Office to make sure the equipment is set properly and to notify the Monitor that you are leaving the building.

C. Temporary Access Cards:

Three Temporary Access Cards will be issued to each principal or building manager, which may be issued for one-time or temporary access to the building. The following steps should be followed by employees who are issued Temporary Access Cards:

1. Employee requests authority to enter the building from the principal or building manager.

2. Principal or building manager issues the Temporary Access Card and establishes controls to ensure return of the card at the proper time. (Card must NOT be used as a permanent Access Card.)

3. Employee follows steps in section IV.B above.

D. Lost, Stolen or Voided Access Cards:

If an Access Card or Temporary Access Card is lost or stolen, the Security Office must be advised immediately so the card can be voided and a new card issued if required. Similarly, if a person holding an Access Card or Temporary Access Card is terminated or transferred to another school or office, notify the Security Office at 301-499-7019 so that proper actions can be taken to cancel the existing card and issue a new card.

E. Compliance with these Procedures:

These procedures have been established for the protection of school property and for the safety and welfare of employees who must return to a school after the building has been placed in an alarm condition. It is imperative that each employee understands and complies with these procedures. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in disciplinary actions being taken.

V. Related Procedures


VI. Maintenance and Update of these Procedures

These procedures originate with the Office of Security Services, which will answer questions and update the procedures as necessary.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 10203, July 1, 2013.

VIII. Effective Date

May 30, 2014

About This Procedure

Last Revised: May 30, 2014


Administrative Procedure 10203 - Access to Buildings After Normal School Hours or Office Work Hours.pdf


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