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Administrative Procedure 10201 - Disruptive Acts Requiring Security Measures

I. Purpose

To provide school administrators with instructions for responding to certain acts of disruption.

II. Information

Disruptive incidents arising within the school system may range from relatively simple situations, which are handled within the school, to more serious incidents which will require the assistance of the DEPARTMENT OF SECURITY SERVICES or the assistance of the county police. School administrators coming in contact with a disruptive situation are responsible for certain immediate and positive control actions which must be taken in a professional manner. Attachment "A" provides proper guidance and definitions of acts against persons or property, and indicates the steps to be taken when such acts occur. All school administrators should be knowledgeable of the contents of this document and the roles expected of the schools, the Department of Security Services, and the county police in response to each incident. Teachers should also be made aware of the definitions of, and responses to, these disruptive acts.

Administrators and teachers are urged to exercise discretion in the assessment and reporting of minor incidents. Many incidents which technically could be labeled as "acts against persons" according to the definitions given in Attachment "A" should be followed even where the principal has some doubt about the seriousness of any act or repercussions which might result from an incident. A Security Incident Report should be completed. Whenever questions arise in the application of these procedures, the Department of Security Services should be consulted at 301-499-7000.

III. Procedures

Upon the event of a disruptive incident in the schools, the following should be accomplished:

A. FIRST ACTIONS: Protect life and property by any appropriate means available.


1. Ensure the principal is notified.
2. Follow the general procedures in Attachment "A" for the kind of disruptive incident concerned.
(See index list in Attachment "A", Page A-1.)
3. In any question of assistance, call the DEPARTMENT OF SECURITY SERVICES, at 301-499-7000.
4. Complete Form Security Incident Report SIRS.

IV. Related Procedures


V. Maintenance and Update of these Procedures

The Department of Security Services is responsible for reviewing and updating this Administrative Procedure.

VI. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 10201, dated October 15, 2001, all bulletins, memoranda, or other writings on this subject of an earlier date.

VII. Effective Date

July 1, 2013.

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 1, 2013


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