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Administrative Procedure 1111.4 - Soliciting on School Premises

I. Purpose

To provide procedures requiring prior approval for any solicitation on school premises.

II. Policy

Soliciting on school premises is strictly prohibited unless prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has been obtained and shall be restricted to those activities which are part of or an outgrowth of school programs sponsored by school organizations. (Board Policy 1112)

III. Information

The Student Body represents a potential market for any number of commercial or private interests who wish to sell items or services which have little or nothing to do with the educational objectives of the school system. It is in the interests of good educational environment that solicitation of students be strictly controlled and limited to those special functions which do in fact contribute to educational objectives. It is, therefore, of practical necessity that solicitation be controlled and not authorized without approval of the CEO or the CEO’s designee. The Office of General Counsel is the CEO’s Designee.

IV. Definitions

The following definitions apply to the content of these procedures:

  1. Student Day - Starts at the time that students arrive and ends when the dismissal bell indicates the end of the instructional day.
  2. Solicitation - Contact with students for the purpose of selling materials or services.
  3. Educationally Related Activities - An outgrowth of regular school programs such as yearbooks, class ring programs, school publications, school activities, and uniforms, etc.

V. Procedures

The following general procedures are applicable; however, because of the nature of the subjects involved, there is the need for judgment in application to instant cases.

  1. Persons requesting permission of teachers or principals to solicit student classes, clubs or groups will be advised that such solicitation during the school day is prohibited without express permission of the CEO or the CEO’s designee.
  2. Decisions will be determined based on whether the purpose qualifies as an “educationally related activity”. Moreover, the vendor will need to be approved by the Department of Purchasing and Supply. Requests not meeting such a test will in all cases be denied.
  3. Any school administrator or teacher observing soliciting actions by any person during the school day should immediately advise the salesman or solicitor that permission is required of the Office of General Counsel prior to contact of students, and direct the person concerned to the Office of General Counsel. In the event the salesman or solicitor does not comply, the matter should be reported to security.

VI. Related Procedures


VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 1111.4, dated August 1, 2006.

VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

These procedures originate with the Office of General Counsel and will be updated as needed.

IX. Effective Date

October 15, 2013

About This Procedure

Revised: October 15, 2013


Administrative Procedure 1111.4 - Soliciting on School Premises.pdf

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