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Administrative Procedure 1100 - Community Schools

I. Purpose

To set forth the processes and procedures used by Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) to define and establish Community Schools’ designation in accordance with the Strategic Plan.

II. Policy

The Board of Education is committed in its belief that community schools offer the school system the optimum opportunity to focus on academics, physical, mental, and emotional health services, youth development, expanded learning opportunities, and family and community supports to ensure students are ready and able to learn. (Board Policy 1100)

III. Definitions

  1. Asset and Needs Assessment - A systematic process led by the Community School Coordinator in partnership with school and community stakeholders to review school and community data, including academic, non-academic, quantitative, and qualitative, to determine the specific assets, needs and interests of the school community. The results of the assessment will address key challenges and measure progress of the school.
  2. Community School - A public school that has a set of strategic partnerships between the school and other community resources that promote student achievement, positive learning conditions, and the well-being of students, families, and the community by providing wraparound services.
  3. Community School Coordinator (CSC) - An individual employed full-time by PGCPS or a lead partner for a designated school through an established Memorandum of Understanding between PGCPS and a lead partner. The CSC is highly qualified and trained to facilitate the established community school framework in partnership with the school system’s Community School Director, their assigned school principal, administrative leadership team, staff, and larger school community. The CSC is a member of the community school’s leadership team and as a school official may be provided access to student records as authorized and appropriate under federal and state law.
  4. Community School Director (CSD) - An individual employed full-time by PGCPS who serves as the Central Office administrative leader for the entire listing of community schools. The required duties of this position include, but are not limited to: fostering collaboration between Community Schools, preparing new schools to become Community Schools, coordinating any necessary and appropriate training, hiring and placement, the professional development of Community School Coordinators, and templates for the Needs Assessments.
  5. Community School Initiative – An initiative in which schools serve as the hub of the community providing both academic and social-emotional support for students and their families.
  6. Community School Steering Committee (CSSC) – A public body developed to support the vision, policy, and resource alignment for the community school strategy at the district level.
  7. Lead Partner - A community-based organization approved by the Community School Steering Committee to co-lead with PGCPS the community school strategy at designated schools through a cost-sharing partnership. The lead partner and Community School Coordinator for a school shall be selected through input from the principal, teachers, families, and other key stakeholders.
  8. School-Based Strategic Plan – A comprehensive strategy facilitated by the individual school’s Community School Coordinator that, in conjunction with the Board of Education’s approved Strategic Plan for the school system, seeks to remove barriers to academic success and strengthen opportunities for learning and enrichment during and beyond the school day through strategic, results-focused school-community partnerships. The strategic plan is based on the school’s defined vision, addresses the results of a comprehensive needs and assets assessment and is supported by a school-based team including the community school coordinator, principal, educators and other school staff, parents, community partners, and students.
  9. Trauma-Informed Intervention – A method for understanding and responding to an individual with symptoms of chronic interpersonal trauma or traumatic stress.
  10. Wraparound Services – Include:
    1. Extended learning time, including before and after school, weekends, summer school, and an extended school year;
    2. Safe transportation to and from school and off-site apprenticeship programs;
    3. Vision and dental care services;
    4. Establishing or expanding school-based health center services;
    5. Additional social workers, mentors, counselors, psychologists, and restorative practice coaches;
    6. Enhancing physical wellness, including providing healthy food for in-school and out-of-school time and linkages to community providers;
    7. Enhancing behavioral health services, including access to mental health practitioners and providing professional development to school staff to provide trauma-informed interventions;
    8. Providing family and community engagement and supports, including informing parents of academic course offerings, language classes, workforce development training, opportunities for children, and available social services as well as educating families on how to monitor a child's learning;
    9. Establishing and enhancing linkages to Judy Centers and other early education programs that feed into the school;
    10. Enhancing student enrichment experiences, including educational field trips, partnerships, and programs with museums, arts organizations, and cultural institutions;
    11. Improving student attendance;
    12. Improving the learning environment at the school; and
    13. Any professional development for teachers and school staff to quickly identify students who are in need of these resources.

IV. Procedures

  1. Community Schools Steering Committee (CSSC or Steering Committee)
    1. The CSSC’s primary role is to provide strategic guidance and provide a forum for addressing challenging issues facing the various community schools. Members of the CSSC lead and serve on working groups and assist with the implementation of specific projects and tasks. The CSSC will make recommendations on how many schools will open each year and which schools should be approved. The CSSC will also oversee the entire PGCPS Community School Initiative.
    2. The CSD will serve as the Chair of the Steering Committee, which involves developing the agenda, facilitating the meetings, and serving as the PGCPS’s liaison to the CSSC.
    3. At the first meeting in 2019, a vice-chair and secretary was elected for a two-year term. Subsequent elections will be conducted as appropriate for a two year term.
      1. The Vice-Chair, who is a member of the CSSC, will assist the Chair in his/her duties related to leading the Steering Committee, developing the agenda, facilitating the meeting in the absence of the Chair, and outreach to Steering Committee members.
      2. The Secretary, who is a member of the CSSC, will record notes and votes, and assist in correspondence to Steering Committee members.
    4. The CSSC membership must include the following:
      1. Two (2) representatives from the Board of Education;
      2. In addition to the two Board members, the Student Member of the Board or a PGCPS student, who is a member of the Student Advisory Committee, selected by the Student Member to serve as an alternate when the Student Member is unable to attend a CSSC meeting;
      3. One (1) representative from the Prince George's County Department of Social Services;
      4. Three (3) representatives from PGCPS, including the school system’s Restorative Practices Coordinator, selected by the CEO;
      5. Six (6) members from the nonprofit, business/higher education, philanthropic, faith-based, education advocacy, and/or community coalition group sectors, who will be selected by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in collaboration with the Chief of School Support and Leadership and Chief of Academics;
      6. Four (4) members of the collective bargaining units that represent PGCPS employees, with at least one representative from each unit; and
      7. One (1) parent from the Board of Education’s Parent and Community Advisory Council, selected by simple majority vote of the Council members.
    5. The CSSC will meet every other month but at a minimum, four times each year. Decisions will be made by a majority vote if a quorum is present. Meetings must have a minimum of ten members to represent a quorum.
    6. Meeting notes will be publicized on the school system website and the meetings of the CSSC will comply with the Open Meetings Act and be open to the public to the extent permitted by the Open Meetings Act.
    7. On an annual basis, the CSSC will present on the progress and effectiveness of those schools designated as community schools. A written report containing information related to the number of community schools and the accomplishments within those schools will be provided to the CEO and the Board of Education
  2. Needs Assessment
    1. A needs assessment for each community school is conducted every three (3) years.
    2. Pursuant to this administrative procedure, and under the advisement of the CSSC, the CSD shall assess progress made by each community school, utilizing the information provided on the assets and needs assessment.
    3. Based on the results of the needs assessments, the CSD will determine in coordination with the CSCs what supports the families and students of the community school need and leverage the partnerships to provide the support.
  3. Role of the Community School Director (CSD).
    The Community School Director is responsible for the following :
    1. Chairing the Steering Committee, which involves developing the agenda, facilitating the meetings, and serving as the PGCPS’s liaison to the CSSC.
    2. Analyzing results of needs assessments to determine the specific assets, needs and interests of each community school.
    3. Assessing progress made by each Community School by using school data.
    4. Creating a job description for the position of Community School Coordinator (CSC).
  4. Appointment and Role of a Community School Coordinator (CSC)
    1. Each school designated as a community school will be assigned a Community School Coordinator (CSC). The Community School Director creates the job description for the CSC. Based on the review of the needs for the school and the community, the principal and school leadership team will select the CSC for the school. CSCs will serve in a 12-month capacity.
    2. CSCs will collaborate with the school principal and will participate on the school’s leadership team. The CSC works on joint planning with the principal and the school’s leadership team, examines school data to determine services and program needs and gaps, recruits and facilitates community partners and collaborates with school staff. Additionally, the CSC will engage the principal, school staff, and community partners in the needs assessment. This needs assessment is the opportunity to review school and community data to determine the specific assets, needs, and interests of the school community. From the needs assessment, the CSC with the school staff can determine the gaps that need to be filled.
    3. CSCs will work with other CSCs to share practices across schools and will attend professional development to build their capacity in supporting schools.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

The work of each Community School will be monitored through the Office of Community Schools.

VI. Related Procedures

VII. Legal References

  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99
  • MD Annotated Code, Education Article §§ 9.9-101-107

VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This administrative procedure will be reviewed every five years or as necessary by the Director of Community Schools and with the substantive input of the CSSC.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

This administrative procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 1100, dated September 30, 2019.

X. Effective Date

July 18, 2022

About This Procedure

Revised: July 18, 2022


Administrative Procedure 1100 - Community Schools.pdf

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