Phone: 301-925-2482
Roxanna Melton
Case Manager
Time Allocation: 100% MVP
Primary Responsibility:
Facilitate immediate school enrollment and removal of barriers to families and unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness
Vanessa Arias
Administrative Assistant
Time Allocation: 100% MVP
Primary Responsibility:
Ensure excellent customer service when receiving calls and answering inquiries regarding McKinney-Vento services
Veronica Simpson Castillo
Outreach Specialist
Time Allocation: 100% MVP
Primary Responsibility:
Plan and coordinate outreach activities with community agencies
Dr. Kendra Brooks Powell
Instructional Specialist
Time Allocation: 100% MVP
Primary Responsibility:
Provide strategic direction, collaboration, and support services to administrators, school staff, and central office personnel for the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Program
Tynika Strayhorn
Instructional Supervisor
Time Allocation: 100% MVP
Primary Responsibility:
Oversee homeless student enrollment and placement, ensuring they are provided with educational services for which they are eligible