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Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. What is the PGCPS Dual Enrollment Program?
    • The Dual enrollment program is an opportunity for a PGCPS high school student to also take courses at a Maryland two- or four-year college or university.
  2. Who is eligible to take dual enrollment courses?
    • Student must meet the following criteria:
      • Enrolled in a Prince George’s County Public School
      • Enrolled as an 11th (including summer before) or 12th grader.
      • Have a minimum 2.5 cumulative weighted grade point average at your high school by spring of 10th grade year. (Requires eligible test scores) OR
      • Have a minimum 3.0 unweighted grade point average at your high school by spring of 10th grade year. (Eligible test scores optional)
      • Have a minimal test score requirements on the ACCUPLACER, SAT or ACT. (Eligibility scores may vary depending on institution)
        (Please refer to the college or university of interest for additional eligibility requirements.)
  3. Where can I find the PGCPS dual enrollment form?
    • PGCPS school counselors have access to the registration form for dual enrollment and other documents for the application packet. The forms can also be found at
  4. Where can I enroll?
    • PGCPS will pay the tuition for students who meet the minimum eligibility qualifications at any Maryland two -year or four-year public university or college.
  5. What is the Accuplacer exam?
    • Accuplacer is a college placement exam used for course placement at some colleges and universities. Students who meet the dual enrollment requirements have the opportunity to take the exam in their high school.
      Sample Accuplacer questions
  6. How many times can I take the ACCUPLACER?
    • The exam is administered in your high school. You can take the exam in the spring of 10th grade, fall of 11th grade, spring of 11th grade and fall of 12th grade year.
    • You can take the test ONCE during each of these testing windows.
  7. Can I take the SAT or ACT college entrance exams?
  8. What am I financially responsible for?
    •  PGCPS will pay the tuition and fees for students at any Maryland public university or college. 
  9. Can I take developmental (remedial) college classes?
    • No. Developmental (remedial) courses may not be taken as part of the dual enrollment program.
  10. Will PGCPS pay for more than one course per semester?
    • Yes.
  11. Can I be enrolled in Dual Enrollment and other rigorous programs such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, etc.?
    • Yes (consult with your school counselor regarding scheduling).
  12. How many semesters/sessions can I take college classes?
    • A student could take classes up to 6 times - summer before 11th grade, fall 11th grade, spring 11th grade, summer before 12th grade, fall of 12th grade and spring of 12th grade.
  13. What is the process if I am a current dual enrollment student?
    • Current students will complete the process specific to their college/university.
  14. Am I able to take all of my high school coursework at the college?
    • No. Students must take at least one course at their high school during their senior year, but can take dual credit courses for their other requirements. (Administrative Procedure 6155)
  15. Is transportation provided by PGCPS?
    • PGCPS does not provide transportation. Students and parents are responsible for transportation.
  16. What is the difference between dual enrollment and dual credit?
    • Dual Enrollment – students are enrolled in high school and college courses
    • Dual Credit – students are enrolled in high school and college courses where a select list of courses receives high school credit AND college credit
      • Limited, pre-approved list of courses. Grades are weighted on high school transcript.
  17. What happens if I fail or withdraw from the course?
    • PGCPS reserves the right to charge students who receive a grade of an “E” or “F” in a course or withdraw from a course for 90% of tuition paid, and to not pay for future courses. For pre-approved dual credit courses, an “E” or “W” will appear on your high school transcript. For all courses, an “F” or “W” will appear on college transcript.
  18. Do homeschool and/or private schooled students qualify for this opportunity?
    • No. Students must enroll in a PGCPS school to take advantage of the paid tuition.
  19. Do PGCPS nonpublic special education students qualify for this opportunity?
  20. What accommodations am I entitled to while participating in the program?
    • Although participants in the Dual Enrollment program are technically still in high school not all accommodations available at the high school level will be allowed in college classes in order to maintain the integrity and rigor of college level work. Students must contact the office of Disability Support Services at the college or university they are interested in for more information.
  21. Will the course be counted in my high school grade point average?
    • Only final grades for courses that have been approved by PGCPS for dual credit will appear on the high school transcript and will be reflected in the appropriate GPA regardless of grade earned.
  22. What school calendar do I follow?
    • Students must follow the high school calendar for high school courses and follow the college calendar for college courses, including inclement weather delays/closures.
  23. Who should I contact with additional questions or more information?

Please Note, See Academy of Health Sciences, Chesapeake Math & IT Academy (CMIT North, CMIT South), and College Park Academy staff for school-specific dual enrollment information.

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