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Celebrating the Impact of Music In Our Schools!


March marks the 38th annual celebration of Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM) where we take time to spotlight student musicians, music educators, and the role of music education in schools!

This year’s MIOSM theme is “Music Is All of Us,” which acknowledges the unique power of music in bringing people together, creating a sense of belonging and cultivating relationships.

“Music in its fullest context gives people a pathway to discovery, both personally and globally, and contributes to the greater good of society,” said National Association for Music Education President Scott R. Sheehan. “Every person on the planet needs music and its indescribable power to instill meaning in our lives.”

Throughout March, thousands of PGCPS instrumental and vocal student musicians come together for the annual Performance Assessment Festival to perform concert selections for adjudicators and receive feedback. Ensembles that meet certain criteria are eligible to perform in the Maryland Music Educators Association State Band or Orchestra Assessment Festival in the spring.

See student musicians in action this month at the free High School Honor Band and Orchestra Concert on Saturday, March 25 (2 p.m.) at Bowie State University Performing Arts Center!

Learn how PGCPS invested ESSER funding to expand and upgrade its musical instrument inventory!