English/Language Arts 9 Pre-Diploma Program
English/Language Arts 9 Pre-Diploma Program
English/Language Arts 9 Pre-Diploma Program
Pre-Diploma students experience emphasis on critical reading and analysis. Content includes literary analysis, through in depth study and creation of complex interpretations of the text; aspects of each author’s style of writing including narrator’s point of view, creating a sense of suspense, use of dialogue, and embedded commentary; vocabulary focused on the terminology of literary criticism; characteristics of effective responses to literature; and vocabulary in the reading selections necessary to build literal and interpretive understandings.
International Baccalaureate Program Admission; Placement should be based on the following criteria (It is recommended that 3 of the 6 following criteria be met): Successful completion of RELA English Grade 8 Honors Teacher Recommendation Counselor Recommendation Proficiency on Systemic Assessments Parent/Student Request Proficiency with or desire to complete challenging assignments
1.0 English; Weighted
Dual Enrollment Compatible Course: