Course: Advanced Placement Psychology
Course: Advanced Placement Psychology
This year-long course is designed to give the students a fundamental body of knowledge and skills in the area of psychology. The course will involve an investigation of the major approaches to this study of psychology. It also will involve the use of research methods and statistical measurement to include inferential as well as descriptive statistics. Advanced Placement Psychology builds upon the foundation of the General Psychology course (or the psychology section of Introduction to Social/ Behavioral Sciences), which is a prerequisite for this course. It also requires the student use methods and skills acquired in math and science courses as well as computer application. Advanced placement courses are designed for qualified students who wish to complete studies in secondary school that are equivalent to a one-semester college course in psychology. It is expected that upon completion of the course students will take and pass the college Board Advanced Placement test.
Application and orientation session; Preferably 11th or 12th grade student
Dual Enrollment Compatible Course: