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Education anchored in excellence and equity.

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is poised for transformation.

The global pandemic of 2020 ushered in a new era of unprecedented change. It revealed pockets of untapped creativity and innovation, exposed challenges in our traditional concepts of equity, gave rise to creative teaching and learning models, and fundamentally transformed education paradigms.

The demand for equity and innovation in education is more significant now than ever before. Equity in PGCPS is ensuring each student has what they need to receive a student-centered education that empowers them to be active participants in their learning experience and contributors in creating and sustaining thriving communities.

As PGCPS considers this pivotal turning point in our society and in public education, the district reaffirms and documents its commitment to educational excellence in this PGCPS Strategic Plan. This plan will guide the decisions, priorities, resources and work of the school system over the next five years.

Specifically, the PGCPS Equity Strategic Plan:

  • Communicates the district’s mission, vision and core values, signaling to PGCPS stakeholders the district’s priorities and what it values;
  • Serves as a blueprint, setting outcome-oriented goals to raise district performance in key areas;
  • Outlines the strategic imperatives that will enable the district to carry out adaptive change;
  • Shares how progress will be measured and monitored along the way; and
  • Describes the common framework our staff will utilize to ensure a coherent, collaborative and equitable approach to transformation.

This plan has been developed by tapping into the innovative ideas and perspectives of our collective community throughout the planning process. Providing a solid foundation for transformation, the plan is contextually relevant to the stark changes and realities of our current and future global environment. As our transformation takes form over the next five years of plan implementation, we will demonstrate PGCPS’ relevance, resilience and commitment to ensuring all of our students are college-, career-, and life-engaged.

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