Best Management Practices (BMPs) or green infrastructure deals with the incorporation of stormwater management activities.
Implementation of BMPs has been through a partnership with the Clean Water Partnership Program (CWP).
“Consider the entire school grounds as a teaching opportunity, with a central space as the outdoor learning area or classroom.”
Training and motivating educators and facility managers to enable outdoor learning is at the core of the Treating and Teaching (T&T) Program.
Treating and Teaching has been implemented at 55 schools and has also included stormwater BMPs at a few offices, centers and community complexes.
“BMPs are classified and conceptualized as scale-based and type-based. The scale-based category classifies them according to the size of the application area, such as lot-, community-, or watershed-scales. The type-base category classifies them into three types according to the geometric properties:
Point BMPs “capture upstream drainage at a specific location and may use a combination of detention, infiltration, evaporation, settling, and transformation to manage flow and remove pollutants.”1
Linear BMPs “provide filtration of runoff, nutrient uptake, and ancillary benefits of stream shading, wildlife habitat, and aesthetic value.”1
Area BMPs are “Land-based management practices that affect impervious area, land cover, and pollutant input.”1
1 Environmental Protection Agency, Best Management Practices (BMPs) Siting Tool | US EPA as published on April 14, 2023.