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Aerospace Engineering & Aviation Technology Program



LOCATIONS: DuVal HIgh School



TRANSPORTATION: Provided for students registered in the program


The Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Aerospace Engineering & Aviation Technology (AEAT) Program seeks to expose its scholars to a rigorous curriculum wherein they think critically, solve real-world problems, and build pertinent skills to explore, design, research, and innovate as they prepare for an exciting future. This program is a rigorous four-year high school course of study that provides broad and intensive college-level academic experiences, with content and application focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through the lens of aerospace engineering and aviation. The AEAT Program is offered at DuVal High School and services the entire district.  Transportation is provided for all students. Students select a major (aerospace engineering or aviation technology) and from this point, their STEM coursework is concentrated in their selected major. Please note, specific STEM courses are required for each major. As upperclassmen, S&T students are able to participate in internships, dual enrollment, and a unique signature research process, research practicum (RP), for students that results in a STEM-focused project and resulting in a five-chapter research paper, similar to a master’s thesis. Students showcase their research and findings at an annual senior research symposium.

Program Features

Significant components of the program include the following: 

  1. External experiences (internships, mentorships, dual enrollment (DE), and field trips) are possible and encouraged, but must be a direct extension or enrichment of the AEAT Program.
  2. Enrollment in an Advanced Placement (AP) course (or equivalent) specific to the major; completion of exams is strongly encouraged; enrollment in multiple AP courses is strongly encouraged.
  3. Selection of a major (biochemistry, engineering,/physics or computer science) and targeted STEM coursework concentrated in their selected major. Participation in internships, dual enrollment, and, research practicum as upperclassmen.

Choose this program if your child...

Participation in the S&T Program offers students a small learning community with a safe, collegiate atmosphere with high expectations and a support system.  In addition, the program:

  • prepares students to be future leaders with a 100% college acceptance rate.
  • enables students to choose a major and take courses that relate to their future career goals.
  • gives students access to several rigorous AEAT courses that were developed and designed exclusively for the program. 
  • offers access to over 15 Advanced Placement courses.
  • immerses students into a positive learning environment with other academically driven students.
  • exposes students to STEM experiences and career fields through coursework, partnerships, field trips, and guest speakers.
  • connects students with mentors through internships and ongoing research to acquire knowledge, skills, and experience in a STEM research career. 
  • provides advanced students with experience preferred by many employers. 
  • allows dual enrollment opportunities at local community colleges and universities whereby students can begin taking courses starting as early as the summer of 10th grade to earn dual credit.
  • builds students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills through real-world applications of STEM.


Who can apply

All interested 8th-grade PGCPS students will be considered for admission into the AEAT Program.  PGCPS 9th grade students interested must apply to be considered for any openings in their current class.  Nonpublic school students in 8th and 9th grade interested in the Science and Technology Program must apply. Please visit and click on Specialty Programs to obtain additional information.

When to apply

August 1, 2024-September 16, 2024
Non PGCPS Students and 9th Grade PGCPS Students

There is no application for current 8th Grade PGCPS students as all 8th Grade PGCPS students are considered.


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